A lack of quality control?

Last year we ran Roundup posts: for Jan-Apr 2016May-Aug 2016, and Sep-Dec 2016. The idea is just to highlight the better or more perennial posts that new readers may have missed and old-timers may want to re-read.

Last week we ran the first Roundup post for 2017: January to April.

Today we’ll take a look at the middle of the year. There was a lot going on!

In no particular order, we wrote about:

Personal financial concepts

​We did a whole bunch of posts about real estate and upgrades/renovation

A couple of posts about flying/air miles/travel hacking:

A series on health issues:

A few posts about pensions, taxes, etc.

An interview with Wilhelmina Penn (who wrote a great book on getting old in Japan) and a Reader Profile from MJC.

A few posts about THEO:

And a whole bunch of reviews:

Phew. One more of these next week. What do you think? Anything good in there? Which articles did you enjoy/find useful?

One Response

  1. Great blog and layout. I don’t have a lot of input since I am not much familiar for investment in Japan but would love to hear some good blue chip dividend growth company names from Japan or any other part of Asia if currently you are considering investing in.
    I have been buying names like Target, CVS etc.
    Happy Investing !
    TheDividendKarma- TDK.