The Blueprint

Scott Adams is best known for creating and writing Dilbert. He’s also written a handful of books, including How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big.

I couldn’t get into God’s Debris (a philosophical/religious thought experiment), but this semi-autobiography was much more readable. Part life history, part self-help book, it’s a light read with advice for success.

Adams recommends treating life as a learning experience, and encourages us to develop systems (as opposed to goals) to level up. He also recommends managing attitude/mood/energy. Pretty practical stuff, and it fits with a lot of other reading I have been doing.

So I would recommend How to Fail if you like reading self-help books, if you are looking for something fairly light, and if you like some humour mixed in with your content.

Anyone else read this? What did you think? Any other books I should be checking out? I’m currently reading Unscripted, the next book by the guy that wrote Millionaire Fastlane.

4 Responses

    1. It’s not! Wow, I had no idea. On it’s $12.99 on Kindle.
      Yeah, you can probably get more bang for your buck elsewhere.
      Millionaire Fastlane is probably the best I know in terms of price performance.
      The thing is, even an expensive book is worth it to me if I learn something from it.

  1. If you go to Scott Adams’ website he publishes a blog where he discusses some of his ideas in more detail. So you don’t really need to buy his books. Honestly speaking, although some of his ideas (such as system thinking over goal thinking) are compelling, many of his political and social beliefs are not (especially all of his pro-Trump and and persuasion BS). Also, if you value your sanity avoid the comments section of his blog. It ‘s a real cesspool (but I nonetheless read it for the entertainment value).

    1. Ha ha, yeah, I read that too. Can’t tell if he’s really clever or just slightly nuts. Get the feeling he’s gone off the rails recently though.
      The comments are horrible. I normally don’t get past the first two or three…