This one’s for everyone to consider

Our new low-flow shower head

When we got our flat done up a few months ago, I asked the company to get me a low-flow shower head as well.

​I got the idea after reading this post by Mister Money Mustache.

I was a bit worried about the quality of the shower (I’m really particular about water pressure) but was pleasantly surprised that I couldn’t tell the difference between the old one and the new low-flow shower head.

The only difference is that the new head makes a whistling noise (where the air is sucked in to increase the pressure). I soon got used to it and don’t really notice it any more.

Now, if I was a competent blogger I would have data about how much less water we are using and how much money we are saving.

Unfortunately, I am pretty incompetent. Really pleased with the shower though and for the price it seems to be doing the job well 🙂

Given how easy it is to install (merely unscrew the old one and screw the new one in) and the low price, I think this is worth considering.

Anyone else have a low-flow shower?

4 Responses

  1. We were given something similar as an incentive/campaign gift when we had solar panels installed. I can’t remember the brand off hand, but it was a bit gimicky, aimed explicitly at women – it had the option of a cartridge insert that would perfume the water, or something like that.
    More to the point, it was supposed to reduce our monthly water use (and bill). It didn’t last more than a week in use. The drop in pressure was quite noticeable (reminded me of showering back home in England!) and I think we ended up having longer showers and increasing the water flow anyway.
    I would happily try out another shower head if I could be convinced it didn’t make too much difference in the pressure.

    1. Well, after a few days of use here’s my brief review:
      Seems pretty good. I think the actual water pressure has been reduced–like my shower used to writhe around like a mad snake if I turned the taps on full and I don’t think it would do that now—but the way it comes out of the shower is different, and it actually feels kind of nice. It’s hard to describe, but it doesn’t really feel like there is any less water hitting me. If it really will save me 10,000 yen + per year like the Amazon page claims, then, then that is pretty cool I reckon.
      Oh, and no whistling noise for me-!