Just a really good writer

Morgan Housel is one of my favourite finance writers. I first came across him when he was working at The Motley Fool because a lot of the blogs I read linked to his stuff.

He has a writing style that combines interesting concepts with great stories, all wrapped up in a structure that flows and draws you in. It feels like reading something in Time magazine, except at the end you have another piece to add to your ‘knowledge about the world’ puzzle.

I always feel happy when I see a new Housel article.

Now he has moved to a company called Collaborative Fund, but he continues to write on their blog, and his stuff is as good as ever.

You can follow the Collaborative Fund blog on RSS, by signing up to their email list, or on Twitter.

Go and check it out. They have a few people writing on there, but I think Housel is probably the best.

Enjoy the weekend!