It’s all on you

I’m a huge fan of Seth Godin. His daily blog is a short dose of inspiration, his talks are wonderful, and his books can be life-changing.

This week I read Linchpin, in which Godin argues that work is more interesting, fun, secure, and successful when we take responsibility for our working lives and become more entrepreneurial.

I’m at a point in my life where this stuff really speaks to me.

One concrete example: he talks about ‘shipping’ work, ie getting through your internal resistance and writer’s block and just getting things finished and out in front of people. After reading that I set the publication date for the first RetireJapan book later this year.

Overall it’s a pretty readable book. He repeats himself a lot, but I think the content is worth it and if you are in a receptive frame of mind could end up changing your life for the better.

Anyone else read Linchpin? Any other books I should be reading?