Your financial weather report

Today a really quick review of a website/mailing list I enjoy. I’ve been a subscriber for a few years now, and enjoy the infrequent, no-nonsense, sensible emails. The site looks really scammy but isn’t (which I guess is better than the other way around!).

The basic premise of the site is that the economy (he’s writing about the US economy) moves in cycles (seasons), and he talks about how to prepare for, react to each season.

I find his advice pretty sensible. For example, taking steps to prepare for the next recession or taking advantage of falls in asset prices, etc.

Best of all, the emails are short, easy to read, and non-commercial.

If you are interested in thinking about the bigger picture Drop Dead Money might give you a few ideas.

2 Responses

  1. Hey Ben, thanks for the (brutally honest) review. Scammy, huh? Need to do something about then, huh 🙂

  2. Hi William! This is a great honour!
    I’m a big fan of your emails.
    Sorry about the criticism. Not that I’m in any position to comment (you’ve seen my site, right?), but in my far-from-expert opinion your landing page doesn’t have enough information for people to sign up to the mailing list without a recommendation…
    Now I need to go and work on the flaws on RetireJapan 🙂