Have you ever done "cold" sales? What's it like?

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Have you ever done "cold" sales? What's it like?

Post by AreTheyTheLemmings? »

RJ's thread about receiving a cold DM got me thinking about cold sales in general. I've never done it so I only have my assumptions for reference, and my assumptions tell me that it must be a soul-crushing job.

I'm a business owner so I get cold calls, which I hang up on brusquely, cold direct mail, which I bin without reading, and a steady stream of pitches from my website's contact form, which I have filtered to go straight to trash. As such, my assumption is that all cold sales get treated the same way. If that's the case, what a thankless task for the cold seller! Doesn't it grind you down? It seems soul-destroying to me. But, as I say, I have no experience in it.

So, have you ever done cold sales? If so, what's it like?
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Re: Have you ever done "cold" sales? What's it like?

Post by RetireJapan »

English teacher and writer. RetireJapan founder. Avid reader.

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Re: Have you ever done "cold" sales? What's it like?

Post by AreTheyTheLemmings? »

Oh man, I haven't watched that in YEARS!
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