Offsetting stock profits against bond losses

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Joined: Mon Dec 16, 2019 5:04 pm

Offsetting stock profits against bond losses

Post by Krolontra »

This year I have profits from stock trades and losses from bond trades. Can I deduct the losses from the bond trades from the profits of the stock trades and not pay taxes on either? What about the interest on the bonds. Can I deduct the bond losses from the interest payments as well?
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Joined: Sat Nov 24, 2018 4:36 pm

Re: Offsetting stock profits against bond losses

Post by tbsmj »

If those are Japanese stocks and Japanese bonds, the answer is most likely yes (this is called "son'eki tsuusan"). In fact, if all of your trades where in a tokutei kouza at the same financial institution with tax withholding, the broker should do that automatically. Otherwise, you will need to collect the yearly trade reports (nenkan torihiki shinkokusho) from your various brokers and file a kakutei shinkoku tax return.
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