Unfortunately, using the overseas number below I had a different experience from Deep Blue.
The staff were helpful, but when I tried to find out if my state pension would increase if I paid the shortfall - as required by my letter from HMRC, they said they’d have to transfer me to the Pension Service - using the number that caused Deep Blue so much trouble.
They couldn’t get through, so I had to try the Pension Service number myself. Three tries, and the line hangs up once I select the “pension forecast” option.
There was a voice advert about using gov.co.uk to get my pension forcast - but my letter, of 2023, explicitly states I must call the Pension Service for this.
Any advice or insights would be much appreciated!
FriendlyFox wrote: ↑Tue Feb 18, 2025 2:50 am Back transfer is fine, but before sending them a payment you should first call national insurance enquiries to confirm the years you want to back pay and the total amount this will cost. They will then give you a code to attach to your bank transfer.
When I did this it took a while to get through (calling as soon as they open might make it quicker), but once I did they were very helpful. I'd recommend getting Skype credit or similar to make the call as there's a chance you could be waiting for a while.
Details from their site:
0300 200 3500
+44 191 203 7010
Monday to Friday: 8am to 6pm