Unable to log in to my Barclays account earlier this month, I called Barclays to ask for help.
“Your account has been closed” I was told, with not a hint of regret in the voice of the Barclay's rep.

Their explanation was they sent me three letters informing me that as I am an account holder living overseas, my account would be closed. As they received no response from me, they closed my account.
As I visited a UK Barclays branch in person in December 2022 and completed the postal address change procedure in the presence of a Barclays employee, I am surprised their letters didn't reach me. I confirmed my postal address while on the phone with the Barclays rep and it was correct. I also confirmed my email address was correct - needless to say, Barclays didn’t bother to send me an email to inform me they were closing my account.

So now I need to complete Barclay’s “Claim money from accounts that were closed because you had an EEA address” form and post it in to them.
Has anyone had a similar experience with Barclays?