When will SBI take first 100,000 yen for new t-NISA?

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Roger Van Zant
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When will SBI take first 100,000 yen for new t-NISA?

Post by Roger Van Zant »

SBI took my final 30,000 yen today for the old ~2023 t-NISA.

I also thought I had set it up so that my first monthly 100,000 yen of the new t-NISA would also be taken today (December 18th).
However, I just logged into SBI and see that the cash is still there.
And it looks like the next time they will take money will be January 18th 2024.

Is my understanding correct?

Also, do I have to manually cancel my old t-NISA?
According to the above screenshot, SBI will take 30,000 yen on January 18th for this....
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Tsumitate Wrestler
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Re: When will SBI take first 100,000 yen for new t-NISA?

Post by Tsumitate Wrestler »

Roger Van Zant wrote: Mon Dec 18, 2023 8:26 am SBI took my final 30,000 yen today for the old ~2023 t-NISA.

I also thought I had set it up so that my first monthly 100,000 yen of the new t-NISA would also be taken today (December 18th).
However, I just logged into SBI and see that the cash is still there.
And it looks like the next time they will take money will be January 18th 2024.

Is my understanding correct?

Also, do I have to manually cancel my old t-NISA?
According to the above screenshot, SBI will take 30,000 yen on January 18th for this....
Is it a bank sweep or a securities account?

Credit card sweeps are done a month in advance. Bank sweeps are usually done on a set day monthly, security account sweeps are customizable.

Also, do I have to manually cancel my old t-NISA?

It says "old/former" Tsumitate Nisa. However, If the last transaction has been completed you might as well cancel it to be safe.
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