I definitely will put together a lengthy cover letter with the points you mentioned. Like you said, Class 2 is too good of a deal to not try.
Great write up on this on Moneysavingexpert:Gareth wrote: ↑Tue Mar 07, 2023 10:58 pm The deadline has been extended to the end of July
https://www.gov.uk/government/news/taxp ... tributions
Wiki (https://retirewiki.jp/wiki/United_Kingd ... rom_abroad) now updated to include both those links:kuma wrote: ↑Tue Mar 07, 2023 11:08 pmGreat write up on this on Moneysavingexpert:Gareth wrote: ↑Tue Mar 07, 2023 10:58 pm The deadline has been extended to the end of July
https://www.gov.uk/government/news/taxp ... tributions
https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/news/ ... nded-july/
That's a quick fix, and over time will incorporate other info, such as:Ordinarily, back payments are limited to six years. However, until 31st July 2023 it is possible to pay voluntary contributions to make up for gaps between April 2006 and April 2016 if you’re eligible[5]. This unique opportunity to back-pay up to 16 years has arisen because of transitional arrangements surrounding the introduction of the new State Pension in 2016. This gov.uk press release, and in particular, this MoneySavingExpert article provide further details about the extension of the deadline (from 5th April 2023 to 31st July 2023; announced on 7th March 2023).
Here's hoping that multiple forum members can navigate the fun and games with HMRC and get their payments set up.The process of filling gaps involves calling The Future Pension Centre if you're below state pension age or the Pension Service if you're already at state pension age, and then HMRC to get a unique 18-digit reference number.
Without accessing support from these official channels it is not possible to confirm which "incomplete" years are worth filling or to make your payment with your reference number.
The extension means thousands of people who were unable to access these official helplines are now able to wait until they successfully get through to confirm whether a payment will indeed boost their state pension and by how much.
Thanks for sharing this! Just FYI, the UK pension site is still telling me I only have until April to pay, but I'm guessing the system just hasn't been updated yet.Gareth wrote: ↑Tue Mar 07, 2023 10:58 pm The deadline has been extended to the end of July
https://www.gov.uk/government/news/taxp ... tributions