Not the milestone I was looking for

This is the 302nd post on this blog. Of course, I meant to write this last Friday, which was the 300th post, but I forgot (I’m on the road at the moment, which makes writing the blog more challenging than usual).

​RetireJapan started in 2013. Since then we’ve written over 300 blog posts which have over 1500 comments on them so far (thank you to everyone who has contributed their experiences, ideas, and questions). We’ve also got the information pages and the excellent Forum (well, the content is excellent, the software not so much).

I think the site really took off once we moved to posting three times a week, something we’ve kept up for almost a year now. Readers have also been great at spreading the word, so we now have almost 500 people receiving the weekly email and following us on Facebook.

I started RetireJapan to help people, but it’s turned into a community and now I find myself learning from the people hanging out here.

One thing that I’ve been thinking about recently is what to do with old blog posts. There is a lot of content in the 301 posts before this one, but after a week or two they kind of get buried. Any suggestions?

One option would be to create some kind of ‘greatest hits’ page with links to the more useful posts. Or maybe to integrate them into the info pages. Or to figure out how to do ‘random post’ links.

Another option would be to go back and rewrite the more interesting posts into an ebook.

Another thing I would like to see is more guest posts, and Reader Profiles. If you have a topic you’d like to write about that would be of interest to readers, please get in touch. Likewise if you would be willing to be featured in a reader profile, which is a simple interview exploring your personal financial situation and journey.

Finally, if there is anything you’d like to see here on the blog or on the RetireJapan site, please mention it in the comments. I’m very excited to see what the next three years of RetireJapan looks like and I hope you’ll join us on the never-ending journey to learn more and understand better 🙂

3 Responses

  1. Congrats on four years and 302 posts!
    I just wish I’d found this place four years ago instead of six months ago…
    As for what to do with older posts, I’m sure you’ve already thought about it, but the Mr. Money Mustache site has a pretty good layout that makes early posts easily accessible to new visitors. Maybe you could draw some inspiration from there?

  2. Congratulations and keep up the good work!
    As MyTime (and just about everybody else) says, I wish I’d found this site earlier. Your blog and the forum have become my first port of call whenever I am considering my next investment step or get lost in all the financialese and kanji!