Life is better when you’re in control.

​I believe everyone should have control of their financial life. Money should support your lifestyle and goals. It should not be a source of worry and stress.

Are you a resident of Japan? Are you thinking about saving and investing for retirement? Then this site is for you.

It’s hard enough to learn about personal finance in English, let alone in Japanese. That’s why so many people give up or allow financial ‘advisors’ to take advantage of them.

Here you will find information about tax-advantaged accounts like NISA and iDeCo, advice on saving and investing, and thoughts on how to live a richer life while preparing for the future. Look at hands-off investing with a robo-advisor, sign up for weekly updates using the form below, check out the blog or get the blog RSS feed, or ask a question in the forum.

If you have a bit more time visit the Further Reading page to find a curated list of blogs and books.

Please feel free to get in touch via the contact form if you have any questions. We’re here to help.


RetireJapan has been featured in:

  • The Japan Times
  • Metropolis Magazine Tokyo

Requests for interviews, etc. should be submitted using the Contact form above.

 Guest Posts on other sites

Guest post on Tofugu: Moving, Retiring, and Living Out Your Life in Japan (April 2017)
Guest post on Andrew Hallam’s site: Arigato, Mr Roboto -Robo-advisors in Japan (June 2016)
Guest post on Retire By 40: Ben’s 7 Phases to Retirement (August 2013)


Good and Bad Japan wrote a very kind introduction to the site here.


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