MYDC (Robo-iDeCo)

Like a gold-plated fork? I saw MYDC in one of THEO‘s newsletters recently. They are either a spin off or a collaborator. ​The premise is similar to THEO’s. They take something complicated that people don’t want to think about (in this case, their iDeCo account) and make it easy to sign up for and administer. […]

Home Improvements: Windows

Definitely worth considering Long-term readers may remember I bought an old flat last year (a ‘manshon’). We’d actually been renting it for a while and liked the place, liked the neighborhood, and as we bought it from a friend, we got a great price. However, it is both 25 years old and has been through […]


What are you going to do with the next 364 days? Every year ends with an annual review, and starts with a plan. I usually spend a couple of days doing a personal review and plan, but I’m also going to do one for RetireJapan this year. So as we tentatively move into 2017 (a […]

2016 in Review

Celebrity deaths and political upsets aside… 2016 was actually pretty decent, at least for RetireJapan. ​I love the end of the year. I tend to have a few days off, and enjoy using the time to go over the year that is ending and look ahead to the coming year. This will be the first […]

2016 Roundup III (Sep-Dec)

The madness continues ​This is the third and final roundup post for 2016. You can see the first one here and the second one here. Today’s post includes posts from September to December. ​I’ve really enjoyed going back and reading all the posts from this year, trying to figure out which ones to include and […]

Reader Profile: DC Rise

Planting trees in Nagoya RetireJapan: I’m very happy to present a new reader profile today from DC Rise, an English teacher in Nagoya who attended one of the RetireJapan talks last year. We’ve been keeping in touch by email and he kindly wrote up his profile for the site. Tell us a little bit about […]

Spread the Word

… you’re my only hope The RetireJapan mailing list went over 200 subscribers last week (and the Facebook page has just over 260 likes). This is great progress! The comments on the blog and in the forum are starting to take off. People who know more than I do are popping in to share information and […]

The Utter Boredom of Successful Personal Finance

It’s like watching paint dry, but less exciting It looks like we’re going to hit our next investment target this month. After that I think it will take us another couple of years to hit the next one. Of course, these arbitrary targets that I set for us aren’t particularly important. They, like writing this […]