Progress Report 2019

The Mega-Progress This year we are combining all the progress report posts into one huge long report. Previously we had a separate post for each one, but I think it might be more readable (or skippable!) as one big long post. We’re going to cover the following areas in order: iDeCo Progress NISA Progress Mortgage […]

iDeCo for Dependent Spouses

Is it actually worth doing? We actually wrote about this last year, but a friend of my wife’s asked me about it last week and I realised I didn’t have a good understanding of all the factors, so I figure I might as well get a blog post out of doing the research (and it […]

The Monday Read

The Monday Read from RetireJapan

More like the August Read, amirite? Hi friends Did you miss me? I must admit I have really enjoyed the change of pace during August. How was your summer? Can’t believe it is September already. You may have noticed a change to the Monday Read this year. Previously I wrote the post on Sunday (sometimes […]

It’s good to talk

When you assume… I think about money and investing a lot. Maybe too much. I’ve written about our pension projections in the past, and thought I had a good idea of what we needed and where we were heading financially. It seems I was wrong. I had been working off a range of 200,000-400,000 a […]

The Monday Read

Road to Damascus edition This week’s Monday Read comes to you from Tallinn Airport, where I am killing time (seizing the moment?) before flying back home via HEL (sinki) and Nagoya. I spent the last six days at a jiu-jitsu training camp, and my mind was blown by meeting a guy called Priit Mihkelson. His […]

iDeCo and Taxes

You have to pay the piper when the music stops We’ve had a few questions about iDeCo and taxes, so here’s a post summarising some of the main points. For most people who pay income tax, using an iDeCo account to invest is an excellent idea. There are several advantages: You pay into the account […]

Start Here

Five Steps to Financial Health Recently we’ve had a lot of new visitors to the site, and many of them have the same questions and concerns. A very common situation is to be starting to think about getting finances in order. For a beginner though, this can be overwhelming. It’s very easy to get discouraged […]

The Monday Read

Back in Japan We’re back in Japan, and normal service will resume for the blog on September 5th. Hope to have something good for you then. For now, here are this week’s links: Amen: get rich with simplicity. A Short History of Emerging Market Corrections & Bear Markets. Empire of the: plastic Japan. New batteries […]

The Monday Read

It’s getting HOT. Where’s the rainy season? Things are getting better for me work-wise, so there might be more consistent posts on the blog here going forward 😉 Here are this week’s links: ​This too shall pass: mental toughness.A self-sabotaging millionaire interview.​Need to get to grips with this: why the next bear market may feel […]