Interviewing Smart Money Asia

Expat personal finance made simple? A couple of weeks I was doing some online searching for personal finance and investing in Japan in English, and while I was disappointed that RetireJapan didn’t show up as much as I expected, I did find an interesting site. When I saw the site owner Martin also did fee-only […]

The Monday Read

Rainy season??? Well, it’s only early May, and yet here in Sendai it is getting unseasonably humid. Hopefully it’s just a temporary thing rather than an acceleration of the seasons! Seems like the Japanese government is getting a bit worried about how the general public views their vaccination efforts so far and things seem to […]

The Monday Read

Spring is here edition Well, spring is here it seems. Today is the most glorious day -probably the best one so far of 2021. Hope everyone is keeping safe out there! Article for beginners I wrote an article for Gaijinpot, and it was published last week. It’s aimed at beginners, so I would be really […]

The Monday Read

I’m back, did you miss me? Well, I got out of the hospital yesterday 🙂 Was in there for eighteen days in the end, and while that probably wasn’t entirely necessary, it was a positive experience overall. The food was better than I expected, the surgery went well with no complications so far, and the […]

Online Coaching (April 2021)

Now taking bookings from June I updated the coaching page (slight price increase, no longer offering in-person sessions, slighty more detail). We’ve been doing a lot of coaching recently. I guess Covid and the last year gave people a chance to take stock of their situation and start thinking about how to improve things. Not […]

The Monday Read

Going into hospital edition Well, I’m going into hospital on Thursday (operation is on Friday). First time in hospital, first time in hospital in Japan, first time under general anaesthetic, first operation. Lots of new experiences 🙂 I’m not sure how long I will be in there, but I’m not planning to do any work […]

Investing Rules

Decide what not to do I’ve been investing for about a decade now. Feels a lot longer, and I have learned a huge amount by reading a lot, trying various things, and making mistakes. A lot of mistakes. Running RetireJapan has also likely supercharged my learning and experience, giving me access to the wisdom of […]

Kosei Nenkin — Applying for Your Private School Pension

Passbooks for the Japan kokumin nenkin pension.

Ever wondered about how difficult it might be to apply? Wonder no more. Contributor par excellence Mason Dixon returns with another treatise that will be of interest to many of our readers: the exact process to apply for your pension. With RetireJapan as the single best source in assisting foreigners in Japan to plan for […]

The Monday Read

101 Edition This week I have been mainly watching Batman films on Netflix. The Nolan trilogy, then the much less well done Snyder ones. Not the best for productivity, but sometimes you just need to veg out a bit and turn the brain off, eh? This week’s links I found this overview of current and […]

The Monday Read

Happy New Year This is the 100th Monday Read! Well, 2021 is here. The arbitrary line drawn in the sand is unlikely to fix the problems we had in the past, but can provide motivation to make a fresh start or change something. The forum was pretty active over the break: Thank you to everyone […]