The Monday Read

Hayfever’s back edition Forgot how little I enjoy having seasonal allergies, which seem to come earlier and feel worse each year. I fear I may finally have to go on anti-allergy meds year round. Still, at least the temperatures are more pleasant this week! The forum is doing incredibly well, we’re getting close to 10,000 […]

2021 Planning

Goals for this year? Not even sure if I have goals for this year. Be kind to myself and others, maybe. 2020 was such a grind that I’m just hoping this year is less like that. Over the break I had two wonderful conversations, one with a colleague and one with my wife, about the […]

On Tsumitate NISA

I have changed my mind! I have yet to use tsumitate NISA myself, and until recently my advice to people looking to choose between ordinary NISA and tsumitate NISA was to go for ordinary if you could afford to invest the full amount and tsumitate if you couldn’t. But I have changed my thinking on […]

The Monday Read

The Monday Read from RetireJapan

Snowpocalypse Edition Well, let it stop snowing already, please. Bah, humbug. After that tremendously warm autumn, winter is here with a vengeance. It is at least seven degrees colder today than it usually is in Sendai in December, and it’s been snowing on and off for days. Hellish to drive on, we have fresh powder […]

The Monday Read

The Monday Read from RetireJapan

The Age of Suga edition So we have a new PM here in Japan. I like that he’s not an nth-generation politician. I think we should drop that lot in a lake somewhere. Otherwise I’m pretty agnostic so far. Show me the reforms! as Cuba Gooding Jr. said in that movie. This week’s links Pretty […]

The Monday Read

The Monday Read from RetireJapan

Summer is here! 31 degrees with reasonable humidity: summer hit Sendai yesterday. It was nice, then it started feeling a bit too hot. Going to be a long, hot one this year methinks. Last week I actually forgot to write the Monday Read. Apologies. Hopefully this week’s bumper edition will go some way towards making […]

Saving for the Future

Jon is back Prolific contributor Jon is back with his second guest post in as many months. You may remember his post about deciding to buy a house from last month. Today he writes about his financial plan. I always find it really interesting to hear or read about other people’s situations -it’s a great […]

The Monday Read

The Monday Read from RetireJapan

The stock market is sick edition Well, it’s been an interesting few days on the investing front. This month our family net worth is down about seven million yen from the start of February. As we discussed in last week’s post, this is not a problem. How are you doing? This week’s links We are […]

Online Personal Finance Coaching

Can we help you? We’ve been gettting lot more enquiries about our online coaching service recently, so it might be useful to go over what it is and what kind of help we can provide -as well as what we can’t. This post will also be useful to refer people to if they are interested […]

2020 Planning

New Year, New Decade, New Goals? Not really. More like new year, new decade, same goals. Every year we start things off here on the blog with a look ahead, both for the site and me personally. Here is last year’s post for comparison. So what is in store for RetireJapan in 2020? More of […]