Reader Profile: Dave and Amy

The English School Owners I’m really happy to be able to bring you another Reader Profile today. Dave and Amy run a number of English-teaching related businesses and are active in the teaching community. I finally met Amy last year at the Tokyo RetireJapan seminar and she’s been an enthusiastic member of our gang ever […]

The Monday Read

A festive read Well, hopefully you are enjoying a well-deserved break this week. Every year March/April takes me by surprise with its unremitting brutality. The golden week break seems divinely inspired 🙂 Here are this week’s links: What next? Robots can assemble Ikea furniture.Invest a lump sum or regularly over time? The luck of the […]

Closing a THEO Account

It’s mainly you, not me Seems THEO are running a campaign to encourage people to sign up for regular investments -my wife and I did that too soon it seems 😉 To be honest, I liked THEO from the start. They provide a very simple product, their interface is one of the best I have […]

Investing in Health: Update and BJJ

​So far so good The largest morning class I have attended so far! Mostly it’s just 2-3 people.Pretty much every year for the last ten years or so, at some point during the year I have said something like ‘this year I really am going to get in shape’ and every year it hasn’t happened. […]

Seven Years On and The Monday Read

The Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster Seven years ago one of the biggest earthquakes in history happened off the coast of Miyagi. Luckily my family made it through without any permanent damage, but many many people around us were not so fortunate. It had a big impact on my lifestyle and psyche that continues to […]

400 Posts

Actually, Monday’s post was #400 I meant to write this on Monday, but instead had to call the market correction/crash 😉 As a quick follow-up to that post, I’ve read optimistic and pessimistic articles about the stock market. Bear in mind that no-one knows what is going to happen. If they did, they certainly wouldn’t be […]

Investing in Health: Getting Fit at Forty

Making a Plan A perfect deadlift with 80% of her bodyweight on her first attemptEvery year I decide to get fit. I watch what I eat and do some exercise. This works for a couple of months, then I get derailed and somehow both the eating and the exercising revert to normal. Repeat every year. […]

The Bare Necessities

That’s why a bear can rest at ease I was talking to my wife the other day about our finances. They are looking good at the moment, but I am not expecting that to last. At some point we’ll have a stock market pullback or crash and our numbers will not look as good. Quite […]

15 Financial Goals to Hit

How many did you get? I read this post by J Money last year, and thought it would be a good fit for RetireJapan too. So here are the goals, adapted for Japan 🙂 15 Goals to Hit On Your Way to Financial Freedom Not all of these are necessary, or even desirable. It will depend […]


You can do anything, but you can’t do everything 2018 started with a warm, sunny day in Sendai. Hopefully that sets the tone for the rest of the year 🙂 We ended last year with an annual review as usual, and today we’ll talk about plans for this year. RETIREJAPAN Every New Year’s Day my […]