The Monday Read

Not Bad Edition Well, we had the conference last week. Did you go? Apparently it was pretty good! It was a long day for me, but when I got home this was waiting so all was good with the world ^-^ If you completely missed the conference you can see the content here, and there […]

NISA settings for 2022

Now available on Rakuten From this month you can now make changes to your NISA account for 2022, at least on Rakuten (I assume it will also be possible to do this with other providers). There are two main things you might want to consider: rolling over your 2017 ordinary NISA account, and changing your […]

The Monday Read

Going back to the cinema edition My wife got her second vaccine almost two weeks ago, so I am planning to go back to jiu-jitsu next week. Worryingly I don’t feel the same hunger for it I had before, but I’m hoping I’ll be able to build a different relationship with it, more sustainable and […]

The Monday Read

Online Conference Edition In the before times I organised a few RetireJapan events. I gave a talk, took questions, then everyone kind of hung out and chatted. They were really fun. I also did an online finance round table this week, and it really brought home to me once again how many people are really […]

Japan Pension Update 2021

Passbooks for the Japan kokumin nenkin pension.

More of the Same, for Longer Another year, another pension update. Nothing new, just some new numbers and a chance for people who haven’t really thought about their nenkin before to make sure they understand it. You can see the Pension Update 2017 here (this post explains a lot of the format etc.), the Pension Update 2018 here, the […]

The Monday Read

Hospitals are under strain edition My wife got a throat infection on Thursday. She is susceptible to them, and they are dangerous and come on very quickly. We went to the local clinic, got antibiotics, and thought we’d caught it in time. Unfortunately the symptoms are similar to Covid, so we had to wait outside […]

The Monday Read

Climate Madness Edition I’ve always been somewhat concerned about climate change and environmental issues, but it seems to be accelerating recently even faster than I imagined. One of my daughters lives in Vancouver, which made the whole ‘heat dome’ thing much more real, and then we have the rain/landslides in Japan this week. I wonder […]

The Monday Read

The Best Rainy Season Ever I am loving the weather this week. Warm, dry, sunny, fun playful kind of wind. Spent the whole week trying to find excuses to get out in the sun and get my vitamin D in. Long may it continue! Encouragingly, vaccinations in Japan seem to be picking up. They have […]

Book Review: Die With Zero

This mediocre book is the best thing I have read for a while There is a new pandemic spreading across the world. Not Covid-21 thankfully, but rather every single personal finance blog is reviewing Die With Zero by Bill Perkins. The author is a somewhat unrelateable natural gas trader/hedge fund manager/movie producer/high stakes poker player […]

Property Tax 2021

It’s still more expensive than a house would have been Just got our bill for property tax for this year. It is pretty much the same as last year, so not particularly interesting unless you don’t own a property and are interested in how much tax might be. Property tax is based on the assessed […]