The Monday Read

Six weeks left of the year edition This one kind of crept up on me. 2019 is almost over! Not really sure what kind of year it has been. Not a spectacular one, for sure. No crowning achievements or anything like that. If anything a year of steady progress towards goals, with a couple of […]

Think and Grow Rich

No, not the book by Napoleon Hill My family’s net worth hit a new high this month, despite some large expenses last year. We haven’t done anything different, just stuck to the plan and continued saving and investing every month. I told my wife, and she said ‘that’s good, but I don’t really think about […]

The Monday Read

The Monday Read from RetireJapan

Summer is coming This week is week ten at my university, so we are 2/3 of the way through the semester. We are approaching the downhill part 🙂 We are also almost half-way through 2019. Hopefully you are working on your financial plan and happy with your progress. Remember to keep an eye out for […]

Bad Idea: Borrowing to Invest

Bank loan flyer

Sadly I did consider it briefly The bank I have my mortgage with sent me the flyer above for the second time this week. Basically it introduces a multi-purpose loan the bank is offering. The conditions are floating rate (currently 2.3%), can borrow up to 10 million yen for up to ten years, and the […]

The Monday Read

The snow is gone now thankfully We had our final snowfall this week. Snow under the cherry trees. Thankfully it didn’t last long 🙂 We’re more than a quarter through 2019. How is your year going? Are you making progress towards your financial goals? Do you have financial goals? I’m feeling very mid-life crisis-y at […]

The Monday Read

The Monday Read from RetireJapan

Flying back from London soon, so just the links today: I think it’s a good idea for most people to get PR: Getting Japanese Permanent Residency This is a nice resource for people living in Japan: How to Build a Nest Egg in Japan Japan seems to have better numbers than other developed countries: ‘No […]

Coming Soon on RetireJapan

Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes A quick progress report and request for feedback today. It’s been a great year so far for RetireJapan. I’m still having a lot of fun (maybe the most important thing) and it seems we’re still managing to help people. We’re seeing a lot more users in the forum and receiving many  more enquiries to […]

Dividend Investing So Far

The real skinny We wrote about dividend investing a long time ago. We wrote a longer and more detailed article earlier this year. And still we got a question this week pointing out that I have never really gone into my own experience with dividend investing. ​This post will redress this terrible wrong. You can […]

The Monday Read

Well, I’m still alive Had a jiu-jitsu competition yesterday, and I’m still in one piece. Something to be grateful for 🙂 Here are this week’s links: I’ll be keeping mine for now: It’s Not Time to Hit the Ejector Seat on Emerging Markets. Why not start today? 10 things you can do today to reset your life. […]

The Monday Read

Hot hot hot It is hot and seems to be getting hotter. I worry about what things will be like in a decade or two. For now, we are getting by using a fan and a circulator fan to keep the air moving! Here are this week’s links: Dual nationality in Japan: technically illegal, practically […]