Spending a Retirement Bonus

10,000 yen notes

Or annual bonus, inheritance, proceeds from selling a company, or any windfall Well, my (curiously inflated) retirement bonus just hit my bank account. So far so good. Now I just need to figure out what to do with it. Spend It This is the default for many people, and me from 15 years ago would […]

The Monday Read

Sakura Edition Once again I have totally missed out on sakura season by being too busy to breathe. Hoping that will be different next year! Japan Times article I was asked to contribute to a Japan Times article, and it came out yesterday. I think they did a great job! Money matters: Fight inflation with […]

The Easy Portfolio

Easy rules for accumulation and spending Last week I wrote about my portfolio, and how I discovered it isn’t fit for purpose. This week I’m going to write about what a super-easy portfolio might look like. We’ll also go into how you could use it to save for retirement and spend once you get there. […]

The Monday Read

Health Reboot Take 7 Edition I am once again planning to make some lifestyle changes to work on my health. Long term readers will remember this movie from the last six times it showed 😉 Basically the last couple of years have not been good for my physical health, and the last couple of months […]

The Monday Read

Extremely Busy Edition Really busy this month for some reason. It’s like the stars aligned in order to line up tasks I need to complete. Not complaining, mind you, most of it is interesting or necessary, and much of it is self-inflicted! Email newsletter I subscribe to a lot of email newsletters, but James Clear’s […]

How to get to Financial Independence

Saving and Investing your Way to Financial Freedom Financial independence is all the rage these days: articles, blog posts, and videos on the topic abound. It’s an age-old dream, but one that seems increasingly in reach as more and more people commit to trying to get there. In last month’s progress report, I mentioned that […]

The Monday Read

Year of the Tiger Edition Happy New Year! Can’t believe it’s 2021 already… 😉 What will year 3 of the pandemic have in store for us? Hopefully more tapering and fewer seismic shocks. I’ll be doing a planning post soon, but just quickly my primary goal for 2022 is better time management, and my secondary […]

2021 Roundup

All in one place Once again there will only be one roundup post this year. Here is the 2020 post if you want to see what that year looked like. 2021 was… kind of like 2020 This year was also stressful, but in a different way from last year. More low-key, less uncertainty. More like […]

Progress Report 2021

The Progress Continues This year once again we will combine all the progress report posts into one huge long report. I think they work better as one post. You can see last year’s post here (spoiler alert: this year’s is very similar). We’re going to cover the following areas in order: Lots to cover, so […]

RetireJapan Online Conference 2022

Once more unto the breach, my friends In November 2021 we held the first RetireJapan Online Conference. It went better than I could ever have imagined. 500 people signed up (we had to close registration! Apologies to those who were not able to join us), we had five well-attended sessions, feedback was good, I had […]