The Monday Read: Getting Things Done

RetireJapan Monday Read logo and illustrative photo of newspapers and coffee.

We were at a wedding on Saturday in Chiba. Ended up being a nice break going down and staying the night before. Always good to get out of the daily grind. Doing the things you want I was talking to a friend the other day and I realised that I am not getting round to […]

2023 Planning

Goals for this year Every year we start things off here on the blog with a look ahead, both for the site and me personally. Here is last year’s post for comparison. 2022 was a year of changes. In 2023 I am going to build on those changes and try to have more by doing […]

2022 Roundup

All in one place Once again there will only be one roundup post this year. Here is the 2021 post if you want to see what that year looked like. 2022 was… really quite different It was a year of massive change, much of it positive. On a personal level: my university job contract finished, […]

The Monday Read

Course Launch Edition This week was the first session of the RetireJapan online course, Your First Ten Million Yen. The course sold out in just a couple of days this time, which was amazing. We’ll be doing another one in January (just in time for all those new year resolutions) so if you are interested […]

The Monday Read

Getting Things Done Edition Now that I am no longer working full-time (or unemployed, as my wife puts it) I am finding I have so much more energy and motivation to do things. Just finished writing the 2022 edition of The RetireJapan Guide to NISA. It is 50% longer than the previous version, and well […]

The Monday Read

Pain Edition This has been a very mixed month for me. In some ways, it has been fantastic. My work situation is more flexible and I am feeling energised. On the other hand, I have injured both hands (one falling off a bicycle, one at jiu-jitsu) and then last Monday I wrecked my back carrying […]

The Monday Read

Retirement Round Two Edition Regular readers are probably tired of me whining about working as an emergency replacement teacher at my wife’s school from March. I am too! So it was with some degree of anticipation that I welcomed my replacement last Wednesday. I am tentatively going to ease into pseudo-retirement now, doing a couple […]

The Monday Read

Happy Cake Day Edition Two good updates in a row -something bad must be about to happen 😉 My daughter and granddaughters made a carrot cake for me this week -and it only took a couple of weeks of whining on my part! Those red things are cranberries, which worked surprisingly well. Delicious. Sadly it […]

The Monday Read

Heat Edition Here we are, breaking heat records again. I am a fairly optimistic person, but climate change worries me. I have felt Sendai’s climate change in the 22 years I have been here. Everything I read or learn indicates that things are going to continue getting worse going forward, unless we hit a tipping […]

2022 Planning

Goals for this year Every year we start things off here on the blog with a look ahead, both for the site and me personally. Here is last year’s post for comparison. Last year I gave myself a pass. We were still in peak pandemic, I was tired and run down, and I had a […]