Reader Profile: Ryan Davis

The Lazy Author I’m really pleased to have a new Reader Profile for you today. Meet Ryan, an English teacher turned author. 1. Tell us a bit about yourself. My name is Ryan Davis, 34 years old, from Champaign, IL, USA. I studied Mass Communication and Media Arts at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, where I […]

Financial Advisors

Beware of Greeks bearing gifts We’ve written about this before (in fact, it was the first post on the blog, and the reason RetireJapan was born).​I received a very pleasant message from someone the other day asking about writing a guest post for the blog or posting in the forum. They offered to provide people […]

RetireJapan Progress 2017

Pretty good year? I think when we look back in ten years’ time, we will probably say that 2017 was the year when everything changed for RetireJapan. This site started in order to help people living in Japan by providing information and support so that they could learn about personal finance and invest for the […]

2017 Roundup: January to April

I don’t remember writing that Last year we ran Roundup posts: for Jan-Apr 2016, May-Aug 2016, and Sep-Dec 2016. The idea is just to highlight the better or more perennial posts that new readers may have missed and old-timers may want to re-read. It’s also an easy post for us to write 😉 Earlier this […]

Seven Things

None of them worth a blog post in themselves Had a bunch of things kicking around the blog ideas list, but none of them were really worth their own post, so here they all are. At once. Exciting! 1. The Not-so-new Forum The new Forum is really taking off now, and it’s turning into a […]

Running RetireJapan

For a site that is supposed to be about money… RetireJapan doesn’t seem to be very good at making it 🙂 Having revealed my Master Plan the other week, I thought it might be interesting to show you a bit of what is going on behind the scenes at RetireJapan, and what it is like […]

Low Energy Home Improvements

Something you can do this year? Installing these can be an upgrade for your life I’m really pleased to offer you the third and last (for now) guest post from Mark Brierley today (you can see his first one on low-energy here and the second on building a low-energy house here). Mark is a certified Passivhaus consultant and blogger, […]

Building a Low-Energy Home

The best solution? Mark’s beautiful homeI’m really pleased to have another guest post from Mark Brierley for you today (you can see his first one here). Mark is a certified Passivhaus consultant and blogger, and he is generously sharing his knowledge and experience with us today. You can read more of his writing at his excellent […]

Investing in Less Energy

Be more comfortable, spend less money The old Japanese house I used to live in -we got through 100 litres of kerosene a week in winter! I’m really pleased to have another guest post for you today. My friend Mark Brierley is a certified Passivhaus consultant and blogger, so it was inevitable that I would […]

Private Health Insurance in Japan

Might be worth checking out Another guest post for us today, this time by Aper21, talking about private, supplementary health insurance. This is a huge business in Japan, and selling it is a popular way for women to get back into work after having children (this leads to pressure and sales pitches from acquaintances, friends, […]