Guest Post: Book Review

Investment as a Liberal Education: How to Join the Business Elite I’m very pleased to have a guest post today from a new contributor, Richard Brash. He’s a seminary professor in Nagoya, and has written the book Smart Serendipity: The Essential Mindset Shift for Time-Rich Living. Take it away, Richard! It’s not often that I […]

The Monday Read

The Mountains Look Nice Edition Last week I went to Mount Kurikoma with my wife. Unfortunately, half of Japan had the same idea… apparently it’s one of the best places to see the autumn foliage, and we went bang slap in the middle of the ten days or so when the leaves are perfect. We […]

Planning 3

Plan Harder Four years ago I wrote a couple of posts about planning (Planning, Planning 2). It was really interesting to go back and reread them. Let’s take another look at the questions and see what kind of progress we’ve made in that time. Two big changes: I started doing jiu-jitsu just over three years […]

The Monday Read

The Best Rainy Season Ever I am loving the weather this week. Warm, dry, sunny, fun playful kind of wind. Spent the whole week trying to find excuses to get out in the sun and get my vitamin D in. Long may it continue! Encouragingly, vaccinations in Japan seem to be picking up. They have […]

Interviewing Smart Money Asia

Expat personal finance made simple? A couple of weeks I was doing some online searching for personal finance and investing in Japan in English, and while I was disappointed that RetireJapan didn’t show up as much as I expected, I did find an interesting site. When I saw the site owner Martin also did fee-only […]

The Monday Read

Golden Week is Coming Edition Well, Golden Week starts this week. Please stay home and stamp the reproduction number into the floor. I wish the government would act more competently than it seems to be, but in the absence of that, we can all do our part. I’ll be spending time playing board games with […]

2020 Roundup

All in one place Once again there will only be one roundup post this year. Here is the 2019 post if you want to see what that year looked like. 2020 was… not great This year has been very stressful, and we were among the ones lucky enough not to suffer any health or financial […]

The Monday Read

The Monday Read from RetireJapan

Snowpocalypse Edition Well, let it stop snowing already, please. Bah, humbug. After that tremendously warm autumn, winter is here with a vengeance. It is at least seven degrees colder today than it usually is in Sendai in December, and it’s been snowing on and off for days. Hellish to drive on, we have fresh powder […]

2019 Roundup

All in one place We’re going to continue this year’s trend of writing single, longer posts instead of multiple ones in this year’s roundup. Only having written one post per week instead of the multiple ones of past years is going to make that easier too 🙂 So what was 2019 like for RetireJapan? We’re […]

The Monday Read

Advent Calendar Edition We’ll be doing the annual progress reports again this year, and instead of breaking them into multiple posts we’ll just do one long one including all the information. Let me know what you think of the new format! In other news it seems like the government is going to extend ordinary NISA […]