The Monday Read: Home Sweet Home

RetireJapan Monday Read logo and illustrative photo of newspapers and coffee.

Back in Sendai, and it is good to be home. I’ve missed my daily routine, spending time with the family, and knowing where everything is. It’s also nice to be back at work, so to speak. There are quite a few things on the horizon! I’m working on RetireJapan’s first video course (The Basics of […]

The Monday Read: Miyako Calling

RetireJapan Monday Read logo and illustrative photo of newspapers and coffee.

Welcome to The Monday Read, RetireJapan’s weekly collection of content, musings, and links related to personal finance and life in Japan. I’m in Miyakojima for a couple of weeks. It’s pretty good down here. I first visited in June, but liked it enough to book a second trip in October! Primary goal was for my […]

The Monday Read: Autumn Breeze

RetireJapan Monday Read logo and illustrative photo of newspapers and coffee.

Welcome to The Monday Read, RetireJapan’s weekly collection of content, musings, and links related to personal finance and life in Japan. Finally I can feel the hint of autumn in the air. It is no longer unpleasantly hot at night, and I have spent the last couple of days working without AC. Praise be! This […]

I invest but I’m not an investor

You should probably invest too I applied for a credit card in March 2022. The reason I did so then is because I was still employed, but due to finish my contract at the end of the month. From April, I would not have a job and it would be hard if not impossible to […]

The Monday Read: Hospital Again

RetireJapan Monday Read logo and illustrative photo of newspapers and coffee.

Welcome to The Monday Read, RetireJapan’s weekly collection of content, musings, and links related to personal finance and life in Japan. I had an operation last Thursday, my second one in Japan. This time was much shorter (3 nights vs. 3.5 weeks in hospital), different hospital (medium sized clinic vs. large general hospital) and so […]

Financial Fears and The Pressure of the Blank Page

Retirement Update July 2023 Someone offered me a job this week and for a few minutes I actually thought about taking it. Then I came to my senses and realized how little I actually want that. Having to be at work by a certain time, five days a week, 200+ days a year? Needing to […]

The Monday Read: Spending Time and Money

RetireJapan Monday Read logo and illustrative photo of newspapers and coffee.

Welcome to The Monday Read, RetireJapan’s weekly collection of content, musing, and links related to personal finance and life in Japan. Well, I am enjoying being back in Sendai. It is home, after all. My diet has slipped, but I am going to get back on track tomorrow. Exercise is going well, I’m doing a […]

The Monday Read: Natto for Life

RetireJapan Monday Read logo and illustrative photo of newspapers and coffee.

Welcome to The Monday Read, RetireJapan’s weekly collection of content, musing, and links related to personal finance and life in Japan. This week, after 23 years in Japan, I started eating natto. I’m sure this had nothing to do with the fact that I recently kind of decided to naturalize here 😉 I had tried […]

The Monday Read: Living Life Now

RetireJapan Monday Read logo and illustrative photo of newspapers and coffee.

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking recently. To be honest, I have overthought things my whole life, but recently I have been thinking about health, mortality, and making the most of today. I’ve also been reading a lot about AI, and that makes me almost as nervous as climate change. Cheerful stuff. In terms […]