The Monday Read: Health as Number One Priority

RetireJapan Monday Read logo and illustrative photo of newspapers and coffee.

I’ve decided my main priority at the moment is health. Not work, not family, not hobbies, not friends, not (gasp!) money, but health. After all, a healthy man wants many things, but a sick man only one. I’m still aiming to lose another 9 kg or so, to reach 77 kg (and stay there!) by […]

The Monday Read: Living Life Now

RetireJapan Monday Read logo and illustrative photo of newspapers and coffee.

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking recently. To be honest, I have overthought things my whole life, but recently I have been thinking about health, mortality, and making the most of today. I’ve also been reading a lot about AI, and that makes me almost as nervous as climate change. Cheerful stuff. In terms […]

The Monday Read: Getting Things Done

RetireJapan Monday Read logo and illustrative photo of newspapers and coffee.

We were at a wedding on Saturday in Chiba. Ended up being a nice break going down and staying the night before. Always good to get out of the daily grind. Doing the things you want I was talking to a friend the other day and I realised that I am not getting round to […]

Discussing Inheritance

For the first time ever, my wife and I discussed future finances with her parents, such as inheritance, estate planning and their will.

Japan’s Kokumin Nenkin Kikin

Reader Case Study: Not the best option for most, but a good option for some people A reader contacted me and asked me to explain kokumin nenkin kikin. They have been paying in for 22 years (spouse signed them up originally) and they were wondering what exactly the statement and projections meant. We wrote about […]

Another Nenkin Case Study Reloaded

Mostly Kokumin Nenkin Today we have another riveting nenkin case study for you. This time it is an example of someone who has mainly paid into kokumin nenkin (the basic pension) rather than kosei nenkin (the ‘salaryman’ pension). The person kindly shared their nenkin annual statement (年金定期便) with me, so we’ll just go through the […]

RetireJapan Online Conference 2021

Be present at the birth of something great This year we held the first RetireJapan online conference on November 23rd (Labour Thanksgiving Day). The conference was free to join, but it was necessary to sign up in advance. The first session started at 10:00, and we finished at 16:00. It wasn’t anything too ambitious, just […]

The Monday Read

Back in white edition I saw my doctor on Friday and got permission to go back to jiu-jitsu class. Nature is healing 😀 In other fitness news, I’m loving my rowing machine. Got up to 5 x 1500m every other day so far, hoping to get to 5 x 2000m every day eventually. The key […]

Guest Post: Accidental FIRE

There is hope for all of us I’m thrilled to have something positive to post today. I think we all need some encouragement after the first nine months of 2020! Stewart Dorward, a member of the RetireJapan community, very kindly wrote a post about his coming retirement. Huge congratulations are in order and hopefully there […]

The Monday Read

The Monday Read from RetireJapan

Long time no write This is the first Monday Read this month! Which is a pretty poor state of affairs. I apologise for depriving you of your weekly entertaining email/annoying inbox clutter. We’ve also been remiss in terms of writing any actual content for the blog. Have a couple of posts lined up though, so […]