The Monday Read

Oh Happy Day Edition Last Wednesday our new water heater was installed, just under six months after it broke in January. Apparently there are still serious shortages of water heaters, toilets, and all sorts of other products in Japan. The reason for this is that they are/were manufactured in China, and the lockdowns/supply chain issues […]

The Monday Read

Hospitals are under strain edition My wife got a throat infection on Thursday. She is susceptible to them, and they are dangerous and come on very quickly. We went to the local clinic, got antibiotics, and thought we’d caught it in time. Unfortunately the symptoms are similar to Covid, so we had to wait outside […]

Interviewing Smart Money Asia

Expat personal finance made simple? A couple of weeks I was doing some online searching for personal finance and investing in Japan in English, and while I was disappointed that RetireJapan didn’t show up as much as I expected, I did find an interesting site. When I saw the site owner Martin also did fee-only […]


All that glitters A really interesting guest post today from John. Something I haven’t really considered myself, although I did enjoy Andrew Craig’s book very much. Take it away, John! “Why buy gold? That’s a question best answered by the book How to Own the World by Andrew Craig. The short answer is diversification. As part […]

Some Shocking Numbers

I thought Japanese people were good at saving Desmond P. sent me a link to an interesting article this week. As well as saying that older Japanese people are more isolated than their peers in other countries as measured by number of friends, whether they have non-family members who would help them in an emergency, or […]