2017 Roundup: May to August

A lack of quality control? Last year we ran Roundup posts: for Jan-Apr 2016, May-Aug 2016, and Sep-Dec 2016. The idea is just to highlight the better or more perennial posts that new readers may have missed and old-timers may want to re-read. Last week we ran the first Roundup post for 2017: January to April. Today we’ll take a look […]

2017 Roundup: January to April

I don’t remember writing that Last year we ran Roundup posts: for Jan-Apr 2016, May-Aug 2016, and Sep-Dec 2016. The idea is just to highlight the better or more perennial posts that new readers may have missed and old-timers may want to re-read. It’s also an easy post for us to write 😉 Earlier this […]

Seven Things

None of them worth a blog post in themselves Had a bunch of things kicking around the blog ideas list, but none of them were really worth their own post, so here they all are. At once. Exciting! 1. The Not-so-new Forum The new Forum is really taking off now, and it’s turning into a […]

Running RetireJapan

For a site that is supposed to be about money… RetireJapan doesn’t seem to be very good at making it 🙂 Having revealed my Master Plan the other week, I thought it might be interesting to show you a bit of what is going on behind the scenes at RetireJapan, and what it is like […]

RetireJapan on the Road

Surprisingly fun ;)​ Meal after the talk I was down in Kyushu on Saturday to give a talk to Kitakyushu JALT. A bunch of RetireJapan members came out too and we had a great event. This was something like the tenth RetireJapan event, and I think we have the content down now. The first hour […]

302nd Post

Not the milestone I was looking for This is the 302nd post on this blog. Of course, I meant to write this last Friday, which was the 300th post, but I forgot (I’m on the road at the moment, which makes writing the blog more challenging than usual). ​RetireJapan started in 2013. Since then we’ve […]

2016 Roundup III (Sep-Dec)

The madness continues ​This is the third and final roundup post for 2016. You can see the first one here and the second one here. Today’s post includes posts from September to December. ​I’ve really enjoyed going back and reading all the posts from this year, trying to figure out which ones to include and […]

2016 Roundup II (May to Aug)

The good stuff from the middle of the year After last week’s post highlighting the best of January to April, today we have… the best of May to August. Shocking, I know 🙂 By far my favorite posts from the mid-year are the Reader Profiles. They are exactly what this site is supposed to be […]

The Monday Read: Shikoku Calling

RetireJapan Monday Read logo and illustrative photo of newspapers and coffee.

All work and no play makes Ben… It’s my 20-year wedding anniversary this year. We had a ridiculous trip to NYC and Iguazu Falls for our 10-year anniversary, and were planning an even bigger trip for this year but… life got in the way. Rather than a Star Alliance round the world ticket in business […]

The Monday Read: It’s okay to take time off too

RetireJapan Monday Read logo and illustrative photo of newspapers and coffee.

Sometimes the best thing we can do is recover I have been much more active recently. That is largely a good thing, but today I hit a wall. I went to jiu-jitsu practice on Friday and Saturday, then went snowboarding today on Sunday. It was too much. I felt exhausted, with no energy. I pushed […]