RetireJapan Courses

Curated and structured information to save you time and get you up and running as soon as possible There is no need to buy any of our courses. They do not contain secret or advanced information, and you can find everything you need on the site, in the forum, or on the YouTube channel. After […]

2023 Roundup

All in one place This is the RetireJapan roundup post for 2023. We’ll be going through some successes and failures, as well as my lists of favourite blog posts and videos. Here is the 2022 post if you want to see what that year looked like. 2023 was the year of rapid evolution I finally […]

The Monday Read: Merry Christmas

RetireJapan Monday Read logo and illustrative photo of newspapers and coffee.

Happy holidays to one and all. I hope you are enjoying the end of the year and have some time off. I hope things are going well for you, financially and otherwise. I hope you are optimistic about the future. We had our Xmas dinner last night as usual (Christmas Eve, Spanish style) so today […]

Progress Report 2023

The Progress Continues It’s the blog post none of you have been waiting for 😉 This year once again I am publishing my personal financial progress report post. You can see last year’s post here (and follow the chain back through time if you are interested -the first was in 2017 or so). I find […]

The Monday Read: Happy Birthday to us

RetireJapan Monday Read logo and illustrative photo of newspapers and coffee.

RetireJapan is ten years old today! On December 4th, 2013 the first blog post was published on this site. This post is #921. At this rate, we should hit blog post #1000 sometime towards the end of 2024. The blog was the first thing on RetireJapan, and in many ways it is the heart of […]

Master Plan Part Trois

RetireJapan Remastered A few years ago I published a master plan for RetireJapan. Then in 2021 I published Part Deux. After all the crazy developments in the last couple of years, I think it’s time for another update 🙂 The original plan was as follows: Step 1: share information on the site/blogStep 2: run a forum so people can […]

The Monday Read: Late Summer in November

RetireJapan Monday Read logo and illustrative photo of newspapers and coffee.

I’m not complaining exactly, but it is still t-shirt and shorts weather here in Sendai. In November. This is not remotely normal and makes me increasingly anxious about the future. For now at least it makes walking to work quite pleasant… Japan Times Article I endorse this article in the Japan Times 🙂 YouTube Thank […]

The Monday Read: Miyako Calling

RetireJapan Monday Read logo and illustrative photo of newspapers and coffee.

Welcome to The Monday Read, RetireJapan’s weekly collection of content, musings, and links related to personal finance and life in Japan. I’m in Miyakojima for a couple of weeks. It’s pretty good down here. I first visited in June, but liked it enough to book a second trip in October! Primary goal was for my […]

Bribing the Money God

A shrine in Miyagi prefecture in Japan.

There is a shrine on a small island off the coast of Miyagi. The shrine is over a thousand years old. Legend says that people who participate in the ceremony three years in a row will never want for money again…

The Monday Read: the End of Summer?

RetireJapan Monday Read logo and illustrative photo of newspapers and coffee.

Welcome to The Monday Read, RetireJapan’s weekly collection of content, musings, and links related to personal finance and life in Japan. My daughter said this last week. “I think summer is over.” Now, that might initially seem like something an insane person would say, given that we’ve had 30+ days all week, but I think […]