The Monday Read: The load lifts

RetireJapan Monday Read logo and illustrative photo of newspapers and coffee.

You don’t know how heavy your boots are until you take them off I’ve been sick for a couple of weeks now. Caught some kind of cold at the tail end of being in Shikoku, then had a sore throat, mild cough, and general achiness/listlessness for a couple of weeks. It hurt to swallow, and […]

Magic Pills and Outcomes

Too good to be true? I enjoyed this conversation about weight loss drugs. I found it interesting because the guy being interviewed has written a book about Ozempic after taking it himself. It’s a nuanced, thoughtful discussion. Worth checking out if you are interested in it (and it seems like these drugs are going to […]

The Monday Read: Finding Peace

RetireJapan Monday Read logo and illustrative photo of newspapers and coffee.

Sometimes you just need a bit of a break Well, I am back at home and enjoying gettting back into my regular routine. It’s amazing how much difference a week or so off can make. The trip was great, I had a really good time in Shikoku and will certainly be going back again. Shodoshima […]

The Monday Read: Cross that Bridge

RetireJapan Monday Read logo and illustrative photo of newspapers and coffee.

Screw your courage to the sticking point Was in Shikoku this week and it turns out I like it a lot here. More details in the video below, but it’s been a great trip so far. Have also managed to talk with my wife about what we’re going to do going forward, and am much […]

Search for Meaning

The key to success with personal finance I became very interested in personal finance in 2008, when I lost my job. It was a huge shock, it was extremely stressful, but it put me on the path to financial freedom. And for some reason, I never found saving and investing difficult. There was no sense […]

The Monday Read: Shikoku Calling

RetireJapan Monday Read logo and illustrative photo of newspapers and coffee.

All work and no play makes Ben… It’s my 20-year wedding anniversary this year. We had a ridiculous trip to NYC and Iguazu Falls for our 10-year anniversary, and were planning an even bigger trip for this year but… life got in the way. Rather than a Star Alliance round the world ticket in business […]

Life is a game of resource optimization

But you need to know what phase of the game you are in Games and resources I enjoy playing games. Board games, video games, tabletop strategy games, role-playing games. Today it occurred to me that life is basically a resource optimization game. In resource optimization games, players need to decide how to use their scarce […]

Two steps forward, one step back

Investing in a time of strong stock markets and a weak yen In the real world, progress is seldom linear. You are more likely to see forward movement, the odd lurch backwards, and lots of sideways drifting. I have seen this in exercise, creative endeavors, business, relationships, learning, and of course investing. People think the […]

The Monday Read: It’s okay to take time off too

RetireJapan Monday Read logo and illustrative photo of newspapers and coffee.

Sometimes the best thing we can do is recover I have been much more active recently. That is largely a good thing, but today I hit a wall. I went to jiu-jitsu practice on Friday and Saturday, then went snowboarding today on Sunday. It was too much. I felt exhausted, with no energy. I pushed […]

The Monday Read: This changes everything

RetireJapan Monday Read logo and illustrative photo of newspapers and coffee.

What if you didn’t have to do it, but rather got to do it I have it pretty easy in life. I got a good start, have been more than averagely lucky, and have made a few good moves. I wake up when I want, pretty much do what I want, and have very little […]