RetireJapan Progress 2017

Pretty good year? I think when we look back in ten years’ time, we will probably say that 2017 was the year when everything changed for RetireJapan. This site started in order to help people living in Japan by providing information and support so that they could learn about personal finance and invest for the […]

NISA Progress 2017

More of the same You can see last year’s NISA progress report here, and the Junior NISA one here. From this year I will combine both into one post. This is my fourth year using NISA, which means that the investments I bought in year one will come out of the NISA wrapper at the […]

THEO Progress 2017

Another good year and some thoughts I’ve liked THEO from the start. The design, ease of use, and customer service are all best in class. We’ve recommended them on the blog for a couple of years now. ​Last year’s update was fairly positive, but contained a number of inaccuracies and a few things have changed […]

Giving Progress 2017

​Another year sharing the luck Read this post by Mister Money Mustache this week, which reminded me about my own paltry efforts. We’ve written about giving to charity before, first here and then an update here. Basically giving money or time to others is one of the best ways to make yourself happier, as well […]

2017 iDeCo Progress Report

Finally This year iDeCo accounts became available to dependent spouses, some company workers enrolled in corporate DC schemes, and… public servants! I am one of the latter, so years after first getting excited about iDeCo I finally got to open my own account this year. According to this article, the number of new iDeCo accounts […]

NISA Progress Report

This one I’m much less proud of… After our Junior NISA and THEO progress reports, today we take a look at my NISA account. I opened my NISA account with Rakuten Securities in 2014, so this was my third year using the service. I’m not particularly satisfied with how I have done, because I am […]

THEO Robo-Advisor Progress Report

Spoiler alert: still very happy with it 🙂 THEO first popped onto my radar early this year. I wrote about it here, talked about opening an account here, and followed up here, here, here, and here. I’m still a big fan of the service. It is by far the best of the five robo-advisors I […]

Junior NISA Progress Report

It’s going. But not particularly quickly. So I finally got around to opening a Junior NISA account for my granddaughter. It took quite a long time as the process was a bit involved and we needed some back and forth, but the account is now open and awaiting funds. The first hurdle is that only […]

The Monday Read: Hospitalised

RetireJapan Monday Read logo and illustrative photo of newspapers and coffee.

Japanese Health Care is Accessible at Least I’ve had a bit more experience with the health care system in Japan than I would like, mainly due to my taking up jiu-jitsu at the unwise age of 40. It’s not perfect. There seem to be a lot of doctors who aren’t quite as good as you […]

The Monday Read: Starting to feel like summer

RetireJapan Monday Read logo and illustrative photo of newspapers and coffee.

Enjoying all seasons There is a bible verse I really like (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8). It’s the ‘there is a time for everything’ one. I’m not in the slightest bit religious, but I do appreciate a good bit of writing. And that one has a lot of wisdom packed into a few lines. From the benefit of […]