Start Investing

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Our mission here at RetireJapan is to give people the information and motivation they need to improve their personal finances and get more out of life. A lot of that is fairly intuitive. To have healthy finances you need to earn money and spend […]

Dividend Investing So Far

The real skinny We wrote about dividend investing a long time ago. We wrote a longer and more detailed article earlier this year. And still we got a question this week pointing out that I have never really gone into my own experience with dividend investing. ​This post will redress this terrible wrong. You can […]

2023 Roundup

All in one place This is the RetireJapan roundup post for 2023. We’ll be going through some successes and failures, as well as my lists of favourite blog posts and videos. Here is the 2022 post if you want to see what that year looked like. 2023 was the year of rapid evolution I finally […]

2017 Roundup: May to August

A lack of quality control? Last year we ran Roundup posts: for Jan-Apr 2016, May-Aug 2016, and Sep-Dec 2016. The idea is just to highlight the better or more perennial posts that new readers may have missed and old-timers may want to re-read. Last week we ran the first Roundup post for 2017: January to April. Today we’ll take a look […]

The Monday Read: The Paradox of Aging

RetireJapan Monday Read logo and illustrative photo of newspapers and coffee.

The better you get, the less time you have left I’m almost 50 (which seems completely unbelievable to me), and I recently started training jiu-jitsu again somewhat regularly. I’m a mediocre blue belt in jiu-jitsu. I foolishly started at the age of forty, and got pretty into it before I knew what I was doing, […]

The Monday Read: Hospitalised

RetireJapan Monday Read logo and illustrative photo of newspapers and coffee.

Japanese Health Care is Accessible at Least I’ve had a bit more experience with the health care system in Japan than I would like, mainly due to my taking up jiu-jitsu at the unwise age of 40. It’s not perfect. There seem to be a lot of doctors who aren’t quite as good as you […]

The Monday Read: Momentum

RetireJapan Monday Read logo and illustrative photo of newspapers and coffee.

Even better than compound interest? In personal finance, everyone is (understandably) obsessed with compound interest. Eighth wonder of the world, and all that. But I find momentum might be even more important. I’m just starting to get my life back in order after a slightly chaotic and unproductive July and August, and I’m rediscovering the […]

The Monday Read: A cool and pleasant summer?

RetireJapan Monday Read logo and illustrative photo of newspapers and coffee.

Losing weight seems to have an unexpected benefit This year’s summer for some reason has seemed incredibly mild and pleasant. My wife assures me it is not so different to last year, but I haven’t felt unpleasantly hot at all so far. My best guess is that this is because I have lost a lot […]

Does your number need to go up?

Do you even have a number? The future is both under and out of your control. Financial planning is just trying to surf on a wave of possibilities. There is no guarantee of success, but not trying means almost certain failure. I really enjoyed Martin’s latest blog post, Number go up. In it, he explored […]

The Monday Read: Rainy Days Ahead

RetireJapan Monday Read logo and illustrative photo of newspapers and coffee.

But not for me 🙂 Seems like the rainy season just hit Sendai, after one of the most pleasant Junes I can remember. It’s been wonderful: sunny days with low humidity and a pleasant breeze, day after day after day. I wish every year was like this. But today we’ve had rain all day, with […]