The Monday Read

Getting used to the new site Writing this in WordPress instead of Weebly Well, we’re settling into our new home. Finding a lot of little things to fix so give us until next week and then if you notice anything after that please let us know πŸ™‚ Here are this week’s links: I should start […]

The Monday Read

The Monday Read from RetireJapan

December? Really? We’re coming into the final straight of 2018. I find it really helpful to spend the winter break reflecting on the past year and thinking about the next one. Some of that will be done here on the blog, as we run the various updates, reviews, and planning posts. Here are this week’s […]

The Monday Read

Lots of links this week Thank you for all the comments, emails, and messages. They were a source of great comfort these last couple of weeks. Here are this week’s links: ​ Reading from Collaborative Fund: What we’re reading Some really interesting visual data: Trends and time lapses We need more people like this in […]

2018 Cryptocurrency Update

Update means update This will be yet another post where I did something stupid so you don’t have to πŸ™‚ Towards the end of last year I started buying cryptocurrency. I’ve been making regular monthly purchases since. ​This is how that looks: ​ Ooops. I was originally planning to continue this a bit longer, but […]

NISA Accounts in Japan: A Beginner’s Guide

Japan NISA information for 2024, from the official government website, with big 'NISA made easy' text overlaid.

A comprehensive guide to NISA accounts in Japan, a tax-advantaged investment system designed to encourage stock market participation. Discover how the NISA system benefits you, its current limitations, and the significant changes coming in 2024, including unlimited tax exemption periods and increased investment limits.

The Monday Read

Well, I’m still alive Had a jiu-jitsu competition yesterday, and I’m still in one piece. Something to be grateful for πŸ™‚ Here are this week’s links: I’ll be keeping mine for now:Β It’s Not Time to Hit the Ejector Seat on Emerging Markets. Why not start today?Β 10 things you can do today to reset your life. […]

The Monday Read

Rain, rain, go away. Seriously. After the weather these last couple of weeks, I wonder if I really left the UK after all. Hoping to see some sunshine sometime soon… In the meantime, here are this week’s links. Regular blog service returns from Wednesday. おζ₯½γ—み! Sounds like this millionaire interview started out as a JET. […]

Summer Break

We’ll be slacking off in August Not where I am going Summer is here and holidays are in sight… I’ll be taking a long trip during August, and what with getting ready for that and trying to finish everything before I go, I’m not very confident about being able to keep to the blog posting […]

When to Start Taking a Pension

Depends, but generally as late as possible. Many state pension systems allow you to postpone starting to take your pension (some allow you to take it early). In exchange, they will increase the amount you can receive (or decrease it if you opt for early pension). Generally speaking, postponing the pension to maximise your payouts […]