The Monday Read

Is it the rainy season yet or what? Golden Week is over and it’s a long way until the next decent holiday in the summer. Only one thing for it: reading random stuff on the internet 😉 Last week we finally got The RetireJapan Guide to NISA formatted. It’s looking pretty good now, and is […]

The Monday Read

Goodbye sakura My classes at university start tomorrow, so life is going to be more regimented again. How are you doing? This week’s links: Invest in yourself now save money later. Health trumps wealth. Somewhat contrarian millionaire interview. Say goodbye to the information age it’s all about reputation now. When there is too much information […]

The Monday Read

I want to buy shares in hayfever medication Another week gone! Spooky. Here are the stories that lit up the RetireJapan Facebook page this week. Speaking of Facebook, do you think they should be: a) shut down, b) nationalised, or c) boycotted for seemingly contributing to both Trump and Brexit? 😉 TELL (Tokyo English Life Line) […]

Choose Wealth

And it is a choice Choose wealth.Choose a job.Choose a career.Choose a lifestyle,Choose a really big emergency fund.Choose whether to spend money on washing machines, cars,Compact disc players, and electrical tin openers.Choose good health, low cholesterol, health insuranceAnd pension payments.Choose fixed-interest mortgage repayments (or floating ones).Choose to rent.Choose investments.Choose to open an iDeCo account.Choose a […]

Seven Years On and The Monday Read

The Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster Seven years ago one of the biggest earthquakes in history happened off the coast of Miyagi. Luckily my family made it through without any permanent damage, but many many people around us were not so fortunate. It had a big impact on my lifestyle and psyche that continues to […]

The Monday Read

A new type of post For the last couple of years we’ve been posting links to interesting articles on Facebook. Unfortunately that means that most of our readers will never see the vast majority of them because Facebook has a policy of only showing content to a fraction of the people who like a page […]

Slack Part 2

The slackening? Enough time to lose to my granddaughter at Carcassone Last year while spending a few days on Koh Samui in Thailand I wrote the first post on the benefits of having slack in your life. ​As in that first post, we’ll be using the definition of slack as “the loose or unused part”.  […]


You can do anything, but you can’t do everything 2018 started with a warm, sunny day in Sendai. Hopefully that sets the tone for the rest of the year 🙂 We ended last year with an annual review as usual, and today we’ll talk about plans for this year. RETIREJAPAN Every New Year’s Day my […]

2017 Roundup: January to April

I don’t remember writing that Last year we ran Roundup posts: for Jan-Apr 2016, May-Aug 2016, and Sep-Dec 2016. The idea is just to highlight the better or more perennial posts that new readers may have missed and old-timers may want to re-read. It’s also an easy post for us to write 😉 Earlier this […]

The Three Elements: Saving

You MUST master this Last week we wrote about the three elements of money mastery: saving, earning, and investing. We also talked about how it’s important to master saving first, as it forms the foundation of successful personal finance. Personal finance is like a boat: it’s pointless upgrading the engine unless you fix the leaks […]