The Monday Read

The Monday Read from RetireJapan

Heat and snow and blossoms, oh my edition Well, the weather remains… interesting. Seems like things are building to a peak in Japan re: our unwelcome guest, and we’ll see more robust government responses going forward. Stay safe everyone, and make sensible plans. We are going to continue our ‘no Covid-19 links’ policy in the […]

2020 Planning

New Year, New Decade, New Goals? Not really. More like new year, new decade, same goals. Every year we start things off here on the blog with a look ahead, both for the site and me personally. Here is last year’s post for comparison. So what is in store for RetireJapan in 2020? More of […]

2019 Roundup

All in one place We’re going to continue this year’s trend of writing single, longer posts instead of multiple ones in this year’s roundup. Only having written one post per week instead of the multiple ones of past years is going to make that easier too 🙂 So what was 2019 like for RetireJapan? We’re […]

The Monday Read

Lots of links this week Thank you for all the comments, emails, and messages. They were a source of great comfort these last couple of weeks. Here are this week’s links: ​ Reading from Collaborative Fund: What we’re reading Some really interesting visual data: Trends and time lapses We need more people like this in […]

Renovating a House in Japan 1

Back to the drawing board You may remember our ‘building a house’ series. Well, it is over for now. My wife and I had a good talk and have agreed to look at other alternatives. I had a meeting with our Ichijo rep last Friday and told him we’d be putting the project on hold […]

The Nine Scariest Things About Owning a House in Japan

Godzilla doesn’t even make the list Steve S. posted a link to this article in a comment last month, and I kind of liked it so decided to do a Japanese version. So without further ado, here are my nine scariest things about owning property in Japan: 1. Loss of equity This the big one. […]

Building a House in Japan

The nightmare begins Regular readers may remember that I bought a manshon last year, and renovated it by installing inner windows and a second door at the entrance. I am very happy with my new home and was not planning to make any changes. Earlier this month my wife told me that it was extremely […]