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Getting Money from SBI

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2020 3:34 am
by goodandbadjapan
Whenever I transfer money from my bank to SBI in order to but funds I press the 入金 button tell the amount and it gets transferred instantly. I had a tiny amount of money just sitting there and decided to try to transfer it back to my bank (just to make sure everything works as it should). I hit the 出金 button and hit the amount and it disappeared from my SBI account as it should. But it isn't showing in my bank yet - anyone know if not takes longer to show up when taking out than it does when going in. Not sue why it should, but it has been a few hours now and still no sign of it.

Re: Getting Money from SBI

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2020 4:46 am
by StockBeard
In my experience with JP banks, transferring money from one bank to the other can sometimes take several days. In particular if the button was pressed in the afternoon: my bank (Shinsei) have an explicit warning that anything transferred after 4pm is pretty much guaranteed to not show up on the other side until the next day at the earliest.