What Real Estate Agent???

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What Real Estate Agent???

Post by dna »

I've been using the SUUMO sight to look at potential houses to buy in the area we want. (because I find the site easy to use)

But real estate agent??

How does that work??

Can I go to one real estate agent and they will show us the properties we are interested in, even if the property is listed initially with another agent?

Ideally, we want to look at many places before making such a big decision. And going through one agent would be easier.

Thanks for advice,
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Re: What Real Estate Agent???

Post by Beaglehound »

We ended up building new but did look around the pre-owned properties in our area first. The agent we went to was able to show us any properties marketed by other agencies and explained that in the event we bought one of these, the agency fee would still be the same for us. I imagine they then divide up that fee between them.
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Re: What Real Estate Agent???

Post by Utachiyo »

I JUST bought a used house. Any real estate agent can show you most houses...though there are some that, for whatever reason, can only be shown by a specific agency. That's what happened to me. I was checking out houses through one agent, but I was interested in seeing a house that could only be shown through Century 21.
I'm really glad that happened though. I got nothing but rejections for my loan applications when working with the first agency. Century 21 helped me get the loan and now I'm a homeowner. My theory is that the original agency, being located in a bit of an expensive neighborhood, was used to dealing with fairly high income buyers as opposed to someone like me - single mother, contract worker, ALT income.
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Re: What Real Estate Agent???

Post by dna »

Thank you for the above advice.

I've been in contact with an agent who speaks English--- through the step on website, they recommend agents who speak English.

Only problem is their office is Shinjuku and we want a place in Saitama City. They are fine coming up here to meet us (we don't need to go to Tokyo) but I am wondering if a local agent is better.

We're fine in Japanese--but for big things, English is nice. And the agent has been very responsive. The commission is the same as always.

Any thoughts??? Should I say go with this agent who has been super helpful already and speaks English? Or go with an agent nearby?

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Re: What Real Estate Agent???

Post by dna »

Update on the update.

I contacted Sumitomo Real Estate because I've been using their Step On sight to look at potential places and because they have an office in Saitama City.

They have an English speaker --- so it's perfect. A local agent, who's lived in this area who speaks English.
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Joined: Wed Apr 10, 2019 12:21 pm

Re: What Real Estate Agent???

Post by Beaglehound »

Sounds ideal. Best of luck.
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