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Application: Workplace Registration Form

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2019 11:10 pm
by adamu
When you sign up for iDeCo as an employee, you have to get your employer to fill out a form. It's in two parts:

Part 1: Filled out by the applicant. Just your name, pension number, contribution amount, and whether you want to pay by salary deduction by your employer, or applicant pays directly.

Part 2: Filled out by the company. The company confirms your payment method, and enters their own details.

Unfortunately my employer doesn't support the salary deduction method, but on the form in part one the box says "desired payment method", so I ticked salary deduction anyway. In part two there is "actual payment method". Including "Applicant wishes to pay by salary deduction, but we will make them pay directly". Followed by a box asking the company why they won't do the salary deduction.

I assumed my company would tick this box, but what they actually did was amend the part that I filled out to say "individual payment", and ticked the box that says "Applicant desires to pay directly, so we won't do salary deductions".

Seems a bit dodgy to me. Anyway I've asked for another copy of the form and will see if HR will cooperate. I could just submit the form as-is, but I'm assuming there is a reason they asked for the applicant's preference - maybe for statistical purposes or to try to encourage more companies to support salary deduction. By forcing the applicant to change their preference like this, that statistic will not be counted.

The name of the form in Japanese is 事業所登録申請書 兼 第 2号加入者に係る事業主の証明書

Re: Application: Workplace Registration Form

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2019 7:51 am
by RetireJapan
This seems extremely sketchy. Employer can't be bothered to do salary withdrawals, but doesn't want to admit that :shock: