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Selling charges SBI Shoken Emaxis slim

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2024 1:45 am
by saslearner
Hello ,

I wanted to seek help from this forum to understand the selling charges for the below two maxis slim funds on sbi Shoken in the tokutei Koza account . I have some liquidity need so need to sell the complete holding in below two funds

I had invested 1.5 million yen each in the below two funds and the current valuation is 1.57 million with a 70k yen profit in both funds.
When I try to click the sell option I see only 95% of the 1.57 million ( approx 1.49 million)

If I choose the sell all option how much am I expected to recieve? I wanted to understand the charges for selling. I am concerned why it it showing me the 95% of the 1.57 million and Is the selling charges really 5% ??

I tried to get more details but couldn’t understand the Japanese explanation below on sbi securities website

三菱UFJ-eMAXIS Slim 国内株式(日経平均)

三菱UFJ-eMAXIS Slim 国内株式(TOPIX)

・ 「注文入力」画面に表示される「ファンド名」「基準価額」「売却単位」「締切時間」「当社からのお知らせ」等を確認してください。
・ 売却を希望されるファンドに誤りがないことを確認の上、以下の項目を入力してください。
預り区分 同一のファンドで「特定/一般」預り、および「NISA」預りの両方の預り区分で保有されている場合は、「特定/一般」「NISA」のどちらを売却されるか選択してください。
注文金額・口数 (口数買付で保有している場合)

(金額買付で保有している場合 ※NISA預り含む)

Re: Selling charges SBI Shoken Emaxis slim

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2024 2:25 am
by Tsumitate Wrestler
saslearner wrote: Thu Oct 10, 2024 1:45 am Hello ,

I wanted to seek help from this forum to understand the selling charges for the below two maxis slim funds on sbi Shoken in the tokutei Koza account . I have some liquidity need so need to sell the complete holding in below two funds

I had invested 1.5 million yen each in the below two funds and the current valuation is 1.57 million with a 70k yen profit in both funds.
When I try to click the sell option I see only 95% of the 1.57 million ( approx 1.49 million)

If I choose the sell all option how much am I expected to recieve? I wanted to understand the charges for selling. I am concerned why it it showing me the 95% of the 1.57 million and Is the selling charges really 5% ??

I tried to get more details but couldn’t understand the Japanese explanation below on sbi securities website

三菱UFJ-eMAXIS Slim 国内株式(日経平均)

三菱UFJ-eMAXIS Slim 国内株式(TOPIX)

・ 「注文入力」画面に表示される「ファンド名」「基準価額」「売却単位」「締切時間」「当社からのお知らせ」等を確認してください。
・ 売却を希望されるファンドに誤りがないことを確認の上、以下の項目を入力してください。
預り区分 同一のファンドで「特定/一般」預り、および「NISA」預りの両方の預り区分で保有されている場合は、「特定/一般」「NISA」のどちらを売却されるか選択してください。
注文金額・口数 (口数買付で保有している場合)

(金額買付で保有している場合 ※NISA預り含む)
When you sell your mutual funds, you have many ways to do it. Let us look at the simple immediate sale functions.

A. You can sell by amount (Yen) or by shares (口). Almost everyone chooses "amount".

B. You can choose to sell a portion, or all of your funds.

The price of your holdings on the day they will be sold is not known. So if you select to sell a percentage % of your funds, that exact % is not known. The broker leaves 5% for price slippage.


Also, if these funds are in a taxable account remember that 20.x% of your profits will be withheld for tax.

Re: Selling charges SBI Shoken Emaxis slim

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2024 6:57 am
by saslearner
Understood, Thank you so much for your reply!

Re: Selling charges SBI Shoken Emaxis slim

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2024 7:15 am
by adamu
Some info on the tax handling after you sell