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Wife´s portfolio - and what to do with it

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2024 6:53 am
by Aramusha
Hello forum,

my wife has a well filled stock portfolio containing stocks of her company she is working for.
As the future is always in motion, I thought it would be good (wise?) to use the money which could be gained from a sale of those stocks and re-invest them into some index funds. She has no NISA yet as well as IDECO, so I thought of starting there. She could probably fill up the max. amount of 3.6milYen for the next three years if she´d create a NISA account.
Any other recommendations what she could do or should look into?

Thanks and regards,

Re: Wife´s portfolio - and what to do with it

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2024 9:19 am
by adamu
I think it's a good move.

If the company has problems, she loses her job and her savings.
If you convert the stock to an index fund, you get the benefits of diversification, and decoupling the fortunes of her investments from that of her employer.

Just bear in mind ~20% capital gains tax will be deducted from the profit when selling the company stock.

Re: Wife´s portfolio - and what to do with it

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2024 11:21 pm
by Aramusha
Hi adamu,

many thanks for your comment.
Yes, the 20% are obviously an issue. I´ll discuss with her what to do, but setting up a NISA acc is for the beginning a good start I guess.
