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Buying car in Japan using credit card from states?

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2024 9:01 am
by solo7100
...with no foreign transaction fees (it's a travel card).

Anybody have experience / thoughts about this? I've got $15,000+ limit on a card, so with the exchange rate that'll hover around 2 million yen. Then top up with cash that I have on hand here.


Re: Buying car in Japan using credit card from states?

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2024 6:00 am
by Tkydon
You need to know that credit card or debit card purchases on an overseas account, and ATM withdrawals on an overseas account also count as 'Remitting Funds to Japan', and may expose you to Japanese Taxes on your overseas income in that tax year.

Best to send the cash before you depart for Japan, or bring cash with you...
You can carry upto Y1M in cash and cash equivalent (per trip, per person?? or per household?? not sure which...) without declaring on the Customs Declaration.
You can carry more than Y1M in cash and cash equivalent so long as you declare it on the Customs Declaration, and as you would not yet be resident for tax purposes, would be tax free, but you do have to declare over Y1M...

Check Customs Info here: ... 360-Br.pdf ... 7305_e.htm

Re: Buying car in Japan using credit card from states?

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2024 7:16 am
by TJKansai
Tkydon wrote: Sun Jan 07, 2024 6:00 am You need to know that credit card or debit card purchases on an overseas account, and ATM withdrawals on an overseas account also count as 'Remitting Funds to Japan', and may expose you to Japanese Taxes on your overseas income in that tax year.

Best to send the cash before you depart for Japan, or bring cash with you...
You can carry upto Y1M in cash and cash equivalent (per trip, per person?? or per household?? not sure which...) without declaring on the Customs Declaration.
You can carry more than Y1M in cash and cash equivalent so long as you declare it on the Customs Declaration, and as you would not yet be resident for tax purposes, would be tax free, but you do have to declare over Y1M...
I would be very surprised if you could use a credit card to buy a car, although it might be possible for a down payment or deposit. I think Tesla allows cards at least for the deposit. The fees card companies charge the merchants add up and I was told no go for a new car purchase at Toyota (years ago). That said, I can pay for insurance and inspections with a credit card.

While there may be tax exposure, the fact it is between the foreign bank and merchant makes me doubt the tax office will get involved. Perhaps sums over ¥1,000,000 might raise a flag though.

I think the ¥1 million cash is per declaration on the form. If traveling with another adult, you could each have your own form.