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Automatic reinvestment for mutual funds

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2023 1:31 pm
by ToushiTime

Basic question:

If I buy an eMaxis mutual fund using the tsumitate function set to reinvest the returns/distributions, are those returns untaxed as they are immediately reinvested?

Or is that just wishful thinking?

Re: Automatic reinvestment for mutual funds

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2023 1:43 pm
by adamu
Most of the eMaxis funds reinvest internally anyway, meaning there aren't any dividends, only capital gains.

If for some reason the fund did pay out, you would pay dividend tax on it before the automatic reinvestment (if it's in a tax collecting tokutei account).

Re: Automatic reinvestment for mutual funds

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2023 2:27 pm
by ToushiTime
So I am weighing up eMaxis Developed Nation Bonds vs iShares TIP ETF.
The TIP ETF pays out monthly I think…
Do you think the relative tax advantage of eMaxis would outweigh the drawback of its lack of inflation protection?

Re: Automatic reinvestment for mutual funds

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2023 1:06 am
by eyeswideshut
ToushiTime wrote: Wed Jun 07, 2023 2:27 pm Thanks.
So I am weighing up eMaxis Developed Nation Bonds vs iShares TIP ETF.
The TIP ETF pays out monthly I think…
Do you think the relative tax advantage of eMaxis would outweigh the drawback of its lack of inflation protection?
In order to answer we would need to know the future which we can't. All you can know for sure is that, taking currency out of the equation, if the yield performance of the 2 funds were the same, then the reinvestment fund will perform better as you will be investing more over time (no tax drag and no delay in reinvestment). That said, I doubt the difference would be overly significant so it is better to invest in the asset you think will perform better.

Re: Automatic reinvestment for mutual funds

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2023 4:35 am
by ToushiTime
I think I'll go for a mix of the TIP and VTIP bond ETFs, and the eMaxis Developed Nation Bond mutual fund.
I may put the TIP and VTIP ETFs in NISA next year, if that is possible.