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Experience with Freedom Tax Japan?

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2023 8:42 am
by LostinKansai
I just came across the website of Freedom Tax Japan ( They say they will file Japanese tax returns online for only $299/39,000 yen. There isn't much information, and knowing what Japanese accountants charge, this seems too good to be true.

Does anyone have experience with them? If so, I'd appreciate an honest review. Thanks!

Re: Experience with Freedom Tax Japan?

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2023 10:33 am
by eyeswideshut ... ccountant/ (stark's reply is better than anything I could come up with).

Basically I think it is a SaaS offering, not really a proper accountant so you are using at your own risk.

Re: Experience with Freedom Tax Japan?

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2023 3:21 am
by LostinKansai
Thanks for the link. As with most things that seem too good to be true, it probably is. It never hurts to investigate a little, though!

Re: Experience with Freedom Tax Japan?

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2023 8:45 am
by William
I guess this is this time of the year indeed, and I found them too.

I asked a few questions and they were reactive. I can't really say much more than that for now.