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Dummy question about Rakuten Securities

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2023 1:56 am
by Quark
Ok, this really is embarrassing, but my brain just stops working when trying to figure this out:

a) I get what they mean by 前営業日比率金額(%): If it is -1%, my stuff is worth 1% less than yesterday. But how about the ever-changing: リターン(年率)??? This is jumping around wildly, and I just don't get it. If it was -2% yesterday and 6% today, what does this actually mean? If I sell everything today, I made 6% this year? (so between 31 January 2022 and today)? Why can't I get my brain around this (I'm not dumb, I swear!).

b) Is there any way to see an actual chart for my NISA etc? I only find tables and then charts for the actual funds I'm investing in.

Please help... :? :shock: :roll:

Re: Dummy question about Rakuten Securities

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2023 10:22 pm
by Billy
I don’t think you are dumb Quark, I found myself thinking the same question yesterday. Why doesn’t Rakuten have the standard charts tracking the unit price for the mutual funds instead of the percentage change in them?

If anyone knows how to display those, I would be very grateful and would offer them an e-cookie ;)

Re: Dummy question about Rakuten Securities

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2023 11:15 am
by Quark
Thanks :-) Well, I'll try and figure to out.