Junior NISA, NISA, iDeco plan
Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 5:44 am
Long-time reader, first-time poster.
Been in Japan for a while, but only just am starting my investment plan.
During the course of my readings on the retirejapan website, as well as this forum, I've created a plan for myself, the wife, and two little ones.
We have created the kids' Junior NISA accounts, wife has a NISA-ready account, as do I (but mine is at a different bank that does not have the Emaxis Slim World fund available). Kids and wife accounts are at MUFJ, mine is at Mitsui Sumitomo Trust Bank.
Wife and I are in our 40's, kids are not yet teens.
We have some cash reserves from a recent inheritance, looking to put some of that money into long-term investments. We already have a decent amount of emergency savings, so I am considering the inheritance as long-term investment dry powder.
Could I ask your opinions on the plan?
Junior NISA1
Junior NISA2
100% Emaxis Slim All-World fund
Max-out this year, as well as next year. Next year will apparently be the final year for Junior NISA. Trying to take as much advantage as possible.
Regular NISA (5-year term)
100% Emaxis Slim All-World fund
Max-out this year, and subsequent years. I believe that after the 5-year term, those funds in the regular NISA will convert to a taxable investment. What would be your recommendation on how to utilize these funds? If we are thinking 20-year investment period, should we just do Tsumitate NISA?
Regular NISA (5-year term)
World Five Income Fund
My NISA is at Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, which does not have the Emaxis Slim World fund... I think the one linked is pretty close to the Emaxis one, but I'm not super experienced at reading charts or info sheets... would this be a viable option? Or should I "diversify" and invest in, say, S&P500? Same question with me, as my wife: if 20-year period for investment, should Tsumitate, instead?
Wife and I (TBD)
Start iDeco accounts and max-out monthly contributions for as long as we can.
Things happening around the world, as well as Japan, are so volatile right now, it's a bit hard for me to think of a solid plan, or to commit to it... of course, nobody can tell the future, but I'd like to hear how others in Japan are feeling about the near/mid/far future. I'm also considering metals, and bitcoin, but of course, not committed to anything in particular.
Thanks for any advice!!
Long-time reader, first-time poster.
Been in Japan for a while, but only just am starting my investment plan.
During the course of my readings on the retirejapan website, as well as this forum, I've created a plan for myself, the wife, and two little ones.
We have created the kids' Junior NISA accounts, wife has a NISA-ready account, as do I (but mine is at a different bank that does not have the Emaxis Slim World fund available). Kids and wife accounts are at MUFJ, mine is at Mitsui Sumitomo Trust Bank.
Wife and I are in our 40's, kids are not yet teens.
We have some cash reserves from a recent inheritance, looking to put some of that money into long-term investments. We already have a decent amount of emergency savings, so I am considering the inheritance as long-term investment dry powder.
Could I ask your opinions on the plan?
Junior NISA1
Junior NISA2
100% Emaxis Slim All-World fund
Max-out this year, as well as next year. Next year will apparently be the final year for Junior NISA. Trying to take as much advantage as possible.
Regular NISA (5-year term)
100% Emaxis Slim All-World fund
Max-out this year, and subsequent years. I believe that after the 5-year term, those funds in the regular NISA will convert to a taxable investment. What would be your recommendation on how to utilize these funds? If we are thinking 20-year investment period, should we just do Tsumitate NISA?
Regular NISA (5-year term)
World Five Income Fund
My NISA is at Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, which does not have the Emaxis Slim World fund... I think the one linked is pretty close to the Emaxis one, but I'm not super experienced at reading charts or info sheets... would this be a viable option? Or should I "diversify" and invest in, say, S&P500? Same question with me, as my wife: if 20-year period for investment, should Tsumitate, instead?
Wife and I (TBD)
Start iDeco accounts and max-out monthly contributions for as long as we can.
Things happening around the world, as well as Japan, are so volatile right now, it's a bit hard for me to think of a solid plan, or to commit to it... of course, nobody can tell the future, but I'd like to hear how others in Japan are feeling about the near/mid/far future. I'm also considering metals, and bitcoin, but of course, not committed to anything in particular.
Thanks for any advice!!