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New Rakuten Family Program - 家族プログラム

Posted: Mon May 30, 2022 1:04 pm
by Haystack ... y_program/

Does this seem worth the effort to anyone? The bonuses seem measly.

Re: New Rakuten Family Program - 家族プログラム

Posted: Mon May 30, 2022 1:13 pm
by RetireJapan
I got bored halfway through reading that page :lol:

Re: New Rakuten Family Program - 家族プログラム

Posted: Mon May 30, 2022 3:20 pm
by zeroshiki
Its almost useless. If you open accounts as a family, you get:

1. +1% points on FEES as long as you choose one of the non-point payment schemes (I didn't even know they give points on fees)
2. +10% points on the points they give you based on your current balance with Rakuten Sec (which would have been amazing if they kept it as a percentage of your balance and not a flat point balance now. For example, you get 100 points when you reach 1M yen so this gives you 110 points. Not monthly, but once. Ever)
3. Discounts and coupons?!

Yeah, nothing to write home about and I would argue whether its even worth it to bother if you have family that wants to open an account.

Re: New Rakuten Family Program - 家族プログラム

Posted: Tue May 31, 2022 12:33 am
by Haystack
Thank you both for confirming that this is just some useless data mining operation. I thought I might have missed an incentive.

My wife and Son have Rakuten accounts but I will ignore this unless they sweeten the pot. Upload a Koseki....really......