How to maximize commuting expenses

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How to maximize commuting expenses

Post by JimNasium »

I currently pay a bit over 20,000 yen per month on commuting. I just use my Suica card on my phone, topping it up with my credit card. It’s really convenient, but my credit card (Amazon) won’t give me any points for Suica. Is there any way I can get some points or discounts out of this?
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Re: How to maximize commuting expenses

Post by zeroshiki »

I've mentioned this a bunch of times here but the EPOS card allows you to choose 3 stores that will get 3x points earning and allows Suica to be one of those stores. This allows you to get 1.5% point back for charging your Suica. Whether its worth it for you to get a whole new credit card just for that is for you to decide.

Another easier way would be to use Rakuten Pay (ideally with a Rakuten Card). Charging Suica through Rakuten Pay gives you 0.5% which personally for me is good enough.
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Re: How to maximize commuting expenses

Post by Haystack »

JR credit card w/suica. 500 yen a year.
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