HeavyMetal wrote: ↑Sun May 15, 2022 5:55 am
Hi everyone,
Thought of investing in US market (S&P500/Nasdaq) indexes now, while the prices have plunged.
Only, my account with Monex is in yen, and buying US assets now does not look attractive, with this around 130 USDJPY rate.
Read some articles here, and saw some recommendations to invest in local assets now.
I would not invest in separate companies in Japan because I do not know them, and how to read their financial reports. Thought of investing in local indexes, such as Nikkei and Topix, but do not like both their technical charts and the overall situation with this huge Japan debt.
Thus the question: do Japanese brokers (Monex if possible) offer any US index funds or ETFs which would be denominated in JPY, or currency-hedged? So my assets would follow US indexes, but without over-paying for nowadays USDJPY rate.
If you buy US assets while the Yen is at 127.5 to the Dollar, you are likely to see your dollars devalue in Yen terms as the Yen strengthens...
Whilst Japanese Companies that make significant revenue overseas are seeing their profits increase in Yen Terms due to the Yen weakness.
You cannot control either market prices or exchange rates. You can only wait them out.
If you buy Hedged assets, the price is the same at the time of purchase at the current exchange rate, but future forex moves would be hedged to some extent.
This was posted in another thread
https://www.mrmoneymustache.com/2022/05 ... ket-crash/
It says:
Stock price = company earnings x BRM*
*(Bullshit Random Multiplier)
(Or should that be Bull Market Random Multiplier as it goes up with Bull Market Momentum)
The BRM, more formally known as the Price-to-Earnings ratio or P/E, is supposed to be based on a mathematical estimate of the present value of all future dividends you will receive if you hold a stock for the entire life of the company.
As an investor, however, you don’t care about the BRM. In fact, you don’t even really care about the share prices of your investments, because the price of an individual share only matters twice in your lifetime:
The moment you buy it,
And the moment you sell it.
Everything else is just silly noise.
Really?? I do care about the BRM at the moment I buy it...
The BRM is actually derived from the Stock price and company earnings which are both given, so it should read
Stock price / company earnings = BRM*
However, if you are investing in different currencies, you need to add
Stock price = company earnings x BRM* x REM**
*(Bullshit Random Multiplier)
**(Random Exchange-Rate Multiplier - This is 1 for same currency...)
To maximize your return, you want to buy when both of these Multipliers are Low, and sell when they are both high...
If you buy US assets in Euros from JPY, then
Stock price = company earnings x BRM* x REM** x REM**
*(Bullshit Random Multiplier)
**(Random Exchange-Rate Multiplier - This is 1 for same currency...)
But, unless you already own the EUR or USD, then JPY to EUR to USD would be the same as JPY to USD...
(If it wasn't, there would be an arbitrage opportunity in the Forex Market, and it would disappear quickly as traders took advantage of it to take profits...)
If you DCA in Yen into Low Cost Japanese Index Funds; Nikkei 225 and/or Topix in the short term, you should start to see some gains due to the weak Yen, and then when the Yen strengthens and you get more Dollars for your Yen you can Switch to more reasonably priced Overseas Assets at lower BRM* and REM**.
You DO NOT have to Buy and Hold forever... You can Switch if it makes sense to do so, especially within Tax Advantaged Instruments such as iDECO, 401k, those despised Offshore Investment Bonds, etc., when you would not be subject to any taxes when switching...