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Collecting Unemployment benefits post-retirement

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2022 2:44 pm
by HankNeva
Hi...I wonder if anyone has applied for unemployment benefits post-retirement and can give me advice on the process and how to assure/maximize the payment?

Unimployment insurance is a small part of the Shakkai Hokken monthly payment I made for 25 years. I retired in March and when I was in the financial affairs office at my university I was told I would probably get a one time payment from the Unemployment office if I went to the Hello Work office and applied for it. This surprised me as I decided to leave the job, but perhaps on some level I could be considered laid off as full time employment had ended two years earlier and moved to an annual tokunin contract.

Anyway, I went last week to Hello Work and it took a few hours, several forms and two interviews. I had to state the kind of job I would like, hours I wanted to work etc. My understanding is if I indicate I am actively able and willing to work, I can get some unemployment benefits. In the Financial Affairs Office in my university they were pretty vague and seemed to say I might get one lump sum, or I might get more than one or I might get nothing. I am scheduled for a second interview in a week and wonder if any one has been through this process and has some advice for me.

Re: Collecting Unemployment benefits post-retirement

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2022 3:59 pm
by adamu
It's not an area I'm familiar with, but it looks like there are some official English guideline PDFs here. ... 00003.html

Re: Collecting Unemployment benefits post-retirement

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 1:46 am
by captainspoke
I retired as normal on 3/31 some years ago (定年) and got a lump sum I think it was later in June. My personnel dept did make me aware of the 'benefit', and I went to Hello Work a couple times that May, maybe two weeks apart.

I did go thru the motions--the questions about what kind of work I'd be interested in, how far a commute, physical restrictions, etc.

IIRC, it was ¥318,000--a nice perk for all those 雇用保険 deductions. It crossed my mind that I could've gone downtown with that and shopped for a gold watch... :lol:

I was in uni teaching, and could have stayed on doing some part time hours, but had I done that, I don't think I would have been eligible for this payment. If anyone is in a similar situation, consider delaying taking on part time classes until the following autumn or later.

Re: Collecting Unemployment benefits post-retirement

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2022 1:37 am
by HankNeva
Thanks! I was told to expect about 200,000 yen but there seemed to be some chance to get more. I notice you went to the office a couple of times to at least appear interested in working. I will try that and see. Good tip about taking a bit of time off before starting any new work.

Re: Collecting Unemployment benefits post-retirement

Posted: Fri May 06, 2022 2:02 pm
by HankNeva
Adding to my previous reply. I went for my second interview at Hello Work 2 weeks after the initial interview. The gal asked if I had found work since my last visit and I hadn't, so she moved right to telling me I would be gettin 271,000 yen in the next week or so. It's a one time payment. Be aware that if you are over 65 you only get a one time payment. There does not seem to be an option for collecting the 50-80% salary for a few months like those younger than 65 who become unemployed due to a contract finishing. Also, I think the amount of the one time payment is based on your earnings in the past 6 months, so those that retire directly from a full salary professor position may get more than those like myself who opted for a smaller "tokunin" salary for the years after retireing from a full time position.